

更新时间:2010-12-23 16:00:00 信息编号:26797
苏州欣嘉宁贸易有限公司 商铺
86 0512 63007146


momentive performance materials inc. announces price increase

across silicones business product line


albany, n.y., november 25, 2010 — momentive performance materials inc. has a 70-year history of  

being first to market with innovative products that deliver proven value for our customers. today, we

remain committed to continuing to deliver this value and, as such, have increased resources and

investment in our business to expand our new product development capabilities, strengthen our global

manufacturing footprint and improve our customer service support. these steps help us to continue to

provide specialty material solutions to our customers and to deliver fast and consistent service anywhere

in the world.


to enable these benefits and address continued higher material costs, momentive performance materials

inc. will raise prices across its silicones business product lines up to 15%, depending on the specific

product, as contracts allow. these increases will be effective for all product shipments on or after

december 15, 2010.

about momentive performance materials inc.

momentive performance materials inc. is a global leader in silicones and advanced materials, with a 70-

year heritage of being first to market with performance applications for major industries that support and

improve everyday life. the company delivers science-based solutions, by linking custom technology

platforms to opportunities for customers. momentive performance materials inc. is an indirect wholly-

owned subsidiary of momentive performance materials holdings llc. additional information is available

at www.momentive.com.


about the new momentive

momentive performance materials holdings llc is the ultimate parent company of momentive

performance materials inc. and momentive specialty chemicals inc. (collectively, the "new momentive").

the new momentive is a global leader in specialty chemicals and materials, with a broad range of

advanced specialty products that help industrial and consumer companies support and improve everyday

life. the company uses its technology portfolio to deliver tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of its

customers around the world.  the new momentive was formed in 2010 through the combination of entities

that indirectly owned momentive performance materials inc. and hexion specialty chemicals inc. the

company is controlled by investment funds affiliated with apollo global management, llc. additional

information about the new momentive and its products is available at www.momentive.com and at


momentive performance materials inc. announces price increase

across silicones business product line


albany, n.y., november 25, 2010 — momentive performance materials inc. has a 70-year history of

being first to market with innovative products that deliver proven value for our customers. today, we

remain committed to continuing to deliver this value and, as such, have increased resources and

investment in our business to expand our new product development capabilities, strengthen our global

manufacturing footprint and improve our customer service support. these steps help us to continue to

provide specialty material solutions to our customers and to deliver fast and consistent service anywhere

in the world.


to enable these benefits and address continued higher material costs, momentive performance materials

inc. will raise prices across its silicones business product lines up to 15%, depending on the specific

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