
The synopsis of Cangxi red kiwifruit ind

更新时间:2011-09-12 15:50:00 信息编号:46179
The synopsis of Cangxi red kiwifruit ind


the synopsis ofcangxi red kiwifruit industry li junde ( cangxi xian sichuan forestry bureau tel: 13808126862 ) the origin of "red kiwifruit " (hongyang, honghua, hongmei) lies in cangxi where there are abundant of wild kiwifruit resourcesandeight new species of kiwifruit have been bred successfully, including “hongyang”. cangxi is one of the earliest areas to cultivate kiwifruit. in october 2010 ,the red kiwifruit has reached 120,000 mu ofcultivated area and 38000 tons yield. cangxiwas awardedthe “state protection of origin” in 2004, and named “the best town of red kiwi in china” by china national food industry association in 2006. cangxi red kiwi is safe and healthy. the planting base was identified as "the national safe and healthy food supply base" by china general chamber of commerce. it has been registered as an export base of sichuan province and authenticated by the european union. it is a national standardized demonstration base of green food. fresh red kiwifruit and processed products are allowed to use "green logo" and " products of the origin logo " . red kiwi is the only official fruit of the 11 th western china international fair. cangxi red kiwifruit industry has a bright prospect. kiwifruit industry has been established as "leading industry" for the development of county economy by cangxi county commission of cpc and cangxi government, planed to develop 20 acres of cultivated area, and achieve the industry output value of 4.5 billion rmb. fresh red kiwi products are popular with the consumers. red kiwi has been sold to 21 countries and regions, such as the eu, southeast asia, hong kong, taiwan, etc and also in the supermarkets in beijing, shanghai, chongqing andchengdu. cangxi red kiwi: the cross-section has radial red stripes. because of its plenty of zinc and selenium, red kiwifruit is known as the “king of kiwi kingdom”, “king of fruits” and “vitamin c champion”. red kiwi has puzzle, beauty, detoxification, anti-cancer effect, and can promote human metabolism, improve human immunity. storage and usage: red kiwi has a short-term storage in the fresh room of refrigerator. the slightly soft fruit may be peeled or cut into two parts with spoon to eat.

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