table 1. end-of-life milestones and dates for the cisco 2800 series integrated services routers
milestone |
definition |
date |
end-of-life announcement date |
the date the document that announces the end of sale and end of life of a product is distributed to the general public. |
november 1, 2010 |
end-of-sale date |
the last date to order the product through cisco point-of-sale mechanisms. the product is no longer for sale after this date. |
november 1, 2011 |
last ship date: hw |
the last-possible ship date that can be requested of cisco and/or its contract manufacturers. actual ship date is dependent on lead time. |
january 30, 2012 |
end of sw maintenance releases date: hw |
the last date that cisco engineering may release any final software maintenance releases or bug fixes. after this date, cisco engineering will no longer develop, repair, maintain, or test the product software. |
october 31, 2014 |
end of routine failure analysis date: hw |
the last-possible date a routine failure analysis may be performed to determine the cause of hardware product failure or defect. |
october 31, 2012 |
end of new service attachment date: hw |
for equipment and software that is not covered by a service-and-support contract, this is the last date to order a new service-and-support contract or add the equipment and/or software to an existing service-and-support contract. |
october 31, 2012 |
end of service contract renewal date: hw |
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