
SMC series laser die cutting machine

更新:2009-06-29 17:00 浏览:7次

smc series  laser die cutting machine

  national patented (patent number: zl200320115463.x)

    wood, acrylic, synthetic materials, non-metallic materials high thickness cutting applications in the related industries has been a problem. small spot size high-energy and non-contact process has be the only solution in cutting middle thickness none-metal material, but the domestic market due to restrictions on laser power can not be produced. due to the high price of the import high power laser equipment, chinese production and processing enterprises simply do not accept that.


          hubei maosen laser through years of practice, rely on domestic technology, invest huge sums of money for research and development of the national conditions of china with independent intellectual property rights of smc series laser die cutting machine , the technology enables low-power laser cutting to be a solution in middle thickness plate cutting. completely solved manual saws low efficiency and low precision problem. it is also a breakthrough to high-power laser equipment high investment and high use cost barriers, it speeds up the upgrading of technology of the industry, a landmark achievement. at the same time declared the area of the laser knife mold problems of the world finally has a complete solution

     this modern technology as the world's first die-cutting technology is industry's most innovative and energy efficient, a good equipment (and high-power laser equipment compared to considerable effect in the processing of cases, the equipment costs less than the lowest high-power laser of 1 / 5. the use of lower cost to the cost of a few one-tenth lower than the manual). its core technical operations easier editing, low maintenance costs. the production process even without the additional gas, there is no need to wait for the machine boot when turn on the machine. also resolved laser processing template surface plate knife and cutting board at the end is not inconsistent vertical and oblique slit width of such a phenomenon which greatly saves the production cost, laid a firm foundation for the development of chinese-made field of laser technology in the world own brand, upon the introduction of the strong market response. in the field of laser knife mold can be described as "unparalleled"

    use patented technology, can one-time cut 5mm - 8mm fiber plastic knife mold plate and <25mm wooden knife mold, cutting gap adjustable from 0.45-3mm, cutting speeds up to 0.45mm-0.5mm

      single machine can meet the vast majority of printing and packaging factory knife mold need, to adapt to the market packaging carton (box) and other specifications, and a short version of the number of live pieces of demand, the production of random sampling according to schedule such as: direct in the processing of cardboard folding cartons indentation lines and cutting-edge, high speed and accuracy. machinable 1500g/mm weight of less than corrugated cardboard, as well as b to 3 layers thick corrugated cardboard. process small quantities standard carton, can greatly reduce the processing costs

      minimal investment. highly cost-effective. small risk. fast returns. three to five months to recover the investments. . in the field of laser die cutting have an absolute competitive advantage

the main technical data:


1)     type:               smc-1208   smc-1212   smc-1215   smc-1218


2)  laser power:    150w*2  (co2 laser tube  double direction)

3)  cutting speed:   0.3-0.5m/min

4)  cutting area:    1200*800mm   1200*1200mm   1200*1500mm   1200*1800


 5)  cutting thickness:<25mm

6)  sew width:        0.35-3mm可调(adjustable)

7)  cutting accuracy:  < 0.1 mm


8)   repeat accuracy:   <0.05mm

9)   support format:     plt eps bmp dxf

10)  power supply:     220v  / 380v


11)working gas

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