

更新:2014-12-30 08:53 浏览:4次


  1. could you tell me something about your family?

  certainly. my family is a typical chinese one. it consists of my father, my mother and me. i am the only child. my grandparents passed away when i was still very young, so i did not have the privilege of knowing them. my father was one of their four children, and my mother has a brother, so i have a number of uncles and aunts and many cousins.

  2. what do you think of the one-child policy in china?

  that’s a tough question. i think we have to have the policy in china. our population had been growing to rapidly and something drastic had to be done. besides, the policy will give china a chance to move ahead in the world. what i mean to say is that as soon as the population growth has stabilized, china will be able to make progress in the fight against unemployment.

  3. what do you think of the one-child policy in china?

  that’s a controversial question in china. in my opinion, the policy has both merits and shortcomings. the policy is one of the most effective tools to solve the increasing problem of overpopulation in the country. on the other hand, the one-child policy has been extremely harsh on the people. it violates basic human rights. for example, it deprives women of their fertility rights.

  4. why do people in china traditionally want to have a son?

  that’s an interesting question. i believe the most important reason lies in fathers. they want their children to carry their name into the future. only sons can fulfill the task. for example, in many western countries it is customary for a boy to receive his grandfather’s name. a second reason that i could mention is that parents worry about what will happen to them after they retired. they feel that when they have a son he would be able to provide for them in future.

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