
Shanghai local networking sec

更新:2015-06-01 13:07 浏览:4次

 shanghai local networking security alarm company secomsystem installation price content is introduced

as a founded in 95, professional to provide network security services company, is established at the beginning of the founding of secomto provide customers "security, peace of mind" for the concept of the enterprise purpose. since secomservices all around this.

excellent service tenet and shanghai secomsecurity service co., ltd. (formerly shanghai secomelectronic security co., ltd.) for 20 years of continuous efforts, in the shanghai market has more than ten thousand users, currently covered family, warehouses, factories, offices and other indoor spaces, clients include some of the world top and government agencies departments, especially the chain pharmacies in the shanghai area, mobile phone shops, real estate leasing companies, wineries, restaurants and so on all walks of life.

many companies want to install an alarm system, but don't know which one is more suitable for themselves, for secomsecomalarm system to provide one-stop service, the scene of early exploration, equipment installation, networking services, late response, equipment maintenance is conducted secomdirect leadership. with the highest quality control ability.

in secomcompany sales staff to the scene after the confirmation, security design, secomsystem quotation (secomsystem how many money? asked this question a lot of customers, this must be confirmed according to the area of the field and the field circuit.) then make the contract. after received customer contract confirmation, can arrange secominstallation construction team to install, this process takes about at least 5 working days. so, if you need to install a set of secomalarm system, please contact us as soon as possible, in order to smooth the overall coordination of the company to cooperate with other departments.

introduce the composition of the price, here is consists of service charge + equipment deposit + construction costs. security services are our specialty, have secom  alarm system, you will have in the shanghai area networking services of the highest quality, have the most comfortable, the guarantee of safety. to make the business enterprise to have more energy to do business!


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