

更新时间:2009-02-04 09:00:00 信息编号:19451
重庆高吉科工贸发展有限公司 商铺



china coupler        chongqing jipai

advantages of jipai all-steel safe coupler

1.the unique coupler: adopt exclusive new technology, 5 millimeters steel plate hydraulic pressure molding.

2.the unique patent coupler: possess independent proprietary intellectual property rights.

3.the unique coupler: insurance company undertakes safety responsibility compensation.

4.the unique coupler: free charge for damaged products and exchange for new.

5.the unique coupler: implement the rule of sale and purchase back, sale and rent back.

6.the unique coupler: provide omni-bearing and one package service.

introduction of the products and unique features

chongqing jipai all-steel safe coupler, chinese coupler representative in the new century, has been developed and produced for 4 years by chongqing gaoji scientific industrial and trading development  co. ltd. with the features of safe usage, long service life and excellent quality, it has gained 2 items of national patent, (zl200520033030.9 and zl200420034231.6), and national manufacturing license for industrial products. (certificate number: yk21-001-00020)


advantages compared with traditional cast iron coupler.


1.high breaking resistance: advanced machinery, steel cold press molding, intensity and toughness higher than national current standards, remove the hidden accident caused by the fracture of cast iron.

2.high skid resistance: ensure the coupler sticking with steel tube on broader abutted surface, overcome the shortcoming of jointing on the point or line abutted surface avoiding steel tube dropping off.

3.superior deformation resistance: compared with plain steel plate stamping coupler, different technique process has broken though the limitation of material thickness by traditional stamping (3.5 millimeters of thickness tends to deform without enough strength), and reached 5 millimeters ensuring no deformation during the using process, the security of products and reusage.


4.high anti-stripping: adopt new screw cap to make sure coupler is vertically fixed in case of steel tube deformed.

5.high rust resistance: being passivated and zinced, rust resistance has been greatly improved. long service life is further beyond cast iron coupler.

6.convenient maintenance: advantage of rust resistance and unbreakable, reduce the maintenance difficulty and save maintenance cost.

7.fast and portable, advanced machinery: portable, good looks, comfortable, fast loading and discharging, lower intensity of labor and high working efficiency.

8.advanced technique process: adopt cold press technology to reduce energy consumption and pollution during production, completely meet the state requirement of energy saving and emission reduction. however, the technique process of cast iron coupler is so backward, high energy saving and pollution, that has been listed as restricted outmoded products by co

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