

更新时间:2022-09-29 09:54:25 信息编号:2353475
成都签之家出入境服务有限公司 商铺


QVISA would like to talk with you: Is it easy to get a Chinese work visa at present? What are the requirements for an applicant? How to apply?




The Chinese work visa is often referred to as the "Z-visa". The purpose of residence is to work, and the Z visa is mainly issued to people who apply to work in China. It is a legal employment procedure that employers must go through for foreign workers. In recent years, with the rapid development of China's strength in all aspects, China's status in the world has been greatly improved, and more and more foreign talents have accepted the invitation of Chinese companies to work in China.




Today, Mr. Liu, who has 10 years of professional experience in China, will come to talk with you about how easy it is to handle the current work visa in China? What are the requirements for an applicant? How to apply? These several questions, I hope to help you solve the problems ~




First of all, we will give you a summary of the basic requirements for Chinese work visa applicants, to help you determine whether you meet the application requirements in advance.


1、年满18 周岁,身体健康,无犯罪记录,境内有确定的用人单位,具有从事其工作所必需的技能或相适应的知识水平。





1. At least 18 years of age, in good health, without criminal record, with a definite employer in China, and with the necessary professional skills or appropriate knowledge level to engage in the work.

2, the work is in line with the needs of our economic and social development, which is urgently needed in the country.

3. If laws and regulations have other provisions for foreigners to work in China, such provisions shall apply.

4. The applicant belongs to the jurisdiction of the foreigner work administration department, and the application materials are true, complete and meet the requirements




Signers would like to remind you that in the process of work visa processing, due to the relatively complex materials required to submit for approval, and different regions have slightly different policies. Therefore, the applicant had better consult the relevant professional personnel before handling, and then consult after sorting out. Next, we will give you a brief arrangement of the required materials and application process. All applicants can have a simple reference and be prepared



Materials required






(1) Basic application materials


Passport; Visa application form and photo; Proof of legal stay or residence (for applicants from countries other than their nationality); Original Chinese passport or original Chinese visa (for those who have previously held Chinese nationality and subsequently acquired foreign nationality)














(2) Additional materials required for Z visa application


1, human resources and social security department "foreigner employment permit certificate" issued by the working period of not more than 90 days, still need to provide short-term work certificate of aliens in China, and the applicant must be in the "short-term work proved that foreigners in China" marked on the starting date before applying for a visa, work time can't more than short-term work certificate of aliens in China note period;


2. Work Permit for Foreign Experts in China or Notice of Work Permit for Foreigners issued by the Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs;


3. Registration Certificate of Resident Representative Office of Foreign (regional) Enterprises issued by the administrative department of industry and Commerce;


4, the cultural approval documents issued by the competent administrative departments of commercial performance (only applicable to to China for commercial performance of the applicant) and the confirmation of the foreigners working in China in the short term, and the applicant in the foreigners in China's short-term work certificate to apply for a visa before the start date indicated on the, time can't more than the performance of aliens in China short-term work certificate period of note;


5. Invitation Letter for Foreigners to Engage in Offshore Oil Operations in the People's Republic of China issued by China National Offshore Oil Corporation;




Application process






第三步: 携带就业许可和工作邀请函到中国使领馆取得工作签证(外国人来华临时工作签证






Step 1: Notice of work permit for foreigners in China


Step 2: Get a job offer


Step 3: Bring the employment permit and job invitation to the Chinese Embassy or consulate to obtain a work visa (temporary work visa for foreigners in China)


Step 4: Work permit for foreigners in China


Step 5: Apply for a foreigner's residence permit




Finally, we would like to share with you a real case: our client, Mr. F, accepted a job offer from a Chinese company some time ago, but first he had to solve the problem of work visa. However, Mr. F was not familiar with the handling of Chinese visa, so he searched for the handling agency on the website. One of them, a large one, said it could guarantee Mr. F's visa. When he paid the fees and went through the process, he failed.




Later, through the recommendation of Mr. F's friend, he found the signer's home. In the process of communicating with the consultant, he found that the signer's home was indeed very professional in visa processing, so he immediately decided to hand over the matter to us. Finally, she lived up to her client's trust and helped her successfully obtain a work visa.





Through this case, we want to remind everyone that in the face of some so-called visa processing agencies, we must pay attention to vigilance, first of all, to investigate whether it is professional, in order to avoid being cheated!




That's the end of the signing house today. In fact, as long as the applicant can correspond to the actual situation of the individual and carefully prepare according to the current requirements of visa processing in China, it is not difficult to successfully apply for the visa.




If you have questions about the processing of Chinese work visa, or want to know the latest policy, you can contact Visa home, we have 15 years of experience in China visa processing, we will be able to provide you with the best solution!

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