
Company profile

更新时间:2010-11-20 15:00:00 信息编号:23828
Company profile
佛山市顺德区伍思燃具有限公司 商铺
中国 广东 佛山市顺德区 容桂穗香骏业路横六路6号
86 0757 28880970


wusi gas appliance co, ltd was found in 2006 and is located in the famous appliances town of china-shunde,guangdong province, where the appliance industries are highly developed .wusi gas appliance co.ltd is a professional manufacturer ,emphasizing on different appliances using lpg and natural gas.it has developed the well-known brand of "wusi".


after four year's effort,on the principle of providing good quality , enjoying the green living; wusi has developed rapidly and grown up into a strong manufacturer that produces gas appliance in large scale and diversified varieties.wusi products include table gas stoves, cast iron stoves, automatic gas rice coolers/ steamers, gas water heaters, build-in gas stoves and so on.the monthly yield of gas appliances are 100000 sets.as holding the tenet of enjoying the green living; wusi is manufacturing the products using biogas sa well .from the biogas stoves. biogas automatic rice cookers, biogas water heaters , energy saving stoves, biogas lamp heaters,biogas lamp.we also supply the biogas accessories,such as h25 desulfurizer device,biogas manometer, biogas methane content measuring instruments, biogas pump, biogas soft hose,pe accessories and so on ,wusi,as an experienced enterprise in gas appliance products.has a strong r&d team and uses up-to-date production dan test equipments.it is in a position to design and tailor-make products according to customers' requirements.survive upon quality, and develop upon innovation.wusi always persists in high quality requirement,high managerial standard and high service level.


with the tenet of'set up international brand,build up worldwide reputation; people at wusi will strive continually and innovate constantly ,and sincerely hope to work together with people in gas appliance industry to create a prosperous market.


table gas stoves …………………………

cast iron stoves …………………………

automatic gas rice cookers/ steamers …………………………

gas water heaters …………………………

build-in gas stoves …………………………


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主要经营:沼气热水器 ; 沼气全自动饭锅 ; 沼气灶 ; 沼气多功能保温灯 ; 沼气铸铁炉 ; 沼气喷火枪 ; 沼气烤火炉
  本公司生产的“伍思牌”沼气全自动饭锅、沼气热水器、沼气炉具、沼气配套产品,成为一种新型的环保节能产业,奉行“降 ...
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