

更新:2016-09-10 16:34 浏览:3次




  increase/ rise/ grow/---proliferate/ rocket/accumulate/ spiral/ accelerate

  fall/ drop/ decline--- ebb/ curtail/ subside/dwindle


  从对比来看,英语基础较差的学生,也很容易知道increase, rise或者fall, drop的意思,也能轻松地掌握它们的运用;但对于后者,大部分学生表示没有见过这样的词汇,更不用说如何使用。

  当然,每一类考试都会有词汇量的要求,根据剑桥雅思真题所需的词汇来看,要达到雅思6分,大约需要5000左右的词汇量。分数越高,对词汇量的要求也会递增。而雅思对词汇量的要求在听、说、读、写四个方面也会有所不同。就写作而言,熟练使用3000左右的词汇就可以取得较高的分数,甚至满分。或许很多考生会惊讶,真的可以吗?absolutely yes! 经常阅读国外的期刊或报纸,比如‘economist’、bbc news, 我们会发现,英语文章的好坏不在于词用得多难,而是词的使用是否恰当,表达是否生动清晰,逻辑是否合理,句式是否多样。


  (source: 19 january2016, from the section business)

  1). china's economy grew by 6.9% in 2015, comparedwith 7.3% a year earlier (同期相比), marking(分词结构) its slowest growth in a quarter of a century.

  2). news comes as theinternational monetary fund said it expected china's economy to grow by 6.3% this year and 6% in 2017.

  3). ……those two aspects now makeup 50.5% of the economy, up from48.5% in 2014.

  4). industrialproduction - or factory output - expanded5.9% in december, down from 6% innovember. retail sales grew 11.1%, down from 11.3% in november.

  从以上摘录的段落中,表达“上升”用了简单的grow以及名词形式growth, 并非“accelerate”或者其他大词,而且用了不止一次;同时也用了简单的介词“upfrom”和“downfrom”加以数据做辅助说明;“占…比例”用了“make up”, 这些词汇都是英语基础薄弱的考生能接受的“简单”词汇。

  前雅思考官说过这样一段话:“one of the main messagesthat i try to communicate in my lessons is that 'difficult' words and grammar are not the secret to ahigh score. you don't need to be shakespeare to get band 7, 8 or 9! infact, 'difficult' language often has a negative effect on people's scores.instead of impressing the examiner, the 'difficult' language may be unnatural,inappropriate, or just incorrect.” 他明确表示难词对成绩没有帮助,用得不恰当反而适得其反,所以考生不要一味地埋头背单词,一定要知道该词使用的语境和范围。


  task 1高分作文分析:

  the table below shows theamount of waste production (in millions of tonnes) in six different countriesover a twenty-year period. 2004. summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main featuresandmake comparisons where relevant.


  the chart compares theamounts of waste that were produced in six countries in the years 1980, 1990and 2000.

  it is clear that the usproduced more waste than ireland, japan, korea, poland and portugal combined.it is also noticeable that korea was the only country that managed to reduceits waste output by the year 2000.

  between 1980 and 2000,waste production in the us rose from 131 to 192 million tonnes, and risingtrends were also seen in japan, poland and portugal. japan’s waste outputincreased from 28 to 53 million tonnes, while poland and portugal saw wastetotals increase from 4 to 6.6 and from 2 to 5 million tonnes respectively.

  the trends for ireland andkorea were noticeably different from those described above. in ireland, wasteproduction increased more than eightfold, from only 0.6 million tonnes in 1980to 5 million tonnes in 2000. korea, by contrast, cut its waste output by 12million tonnes between 1990 and 2000. (164)


  1. task achievement: fullysatisfies all the requirements of the task and clearly presents a fullydeveloped response.

  这个标准其实很难界定,到底怎样做才是“fully satisfies”, 而且在不同的考官面前会有主观的不同。



  文字部分关注以下信息:研究对象为“the main source ofenergy”, 地点:in the usa,时间:between 1980 and 1990。阅读图表信息,了解数据是百分比,同时给出了five sources。

  所以正确的表达方式为“42% of energy was produced by oil”。可是很多学生会错误地理解为“42%of energy was oil in the usa”, 这种信息理解性错误就会导致失分。

  ▶在每一篇小作文的题目中,都会有这样一句话:summarize the informationby selecting and reporting the main features andmake comparisons where relevant. 这句话里用and提出了两个要求:

  1). 需要概括图中的主要信息



  why shouldn't you write aconclusion? what's the difference between a conclusion and an overview?

  first, a conclusion is a finaljudgement, decision or opinion. this is perfect for the task 2 essay,but task 1 asks you to write a description without analysis or opinions. on the other hand, an"overview" is a simple description of the main points. it is asummary of the information shown on the graph or chart.

  second, aconclusion should be at the end of a piece of writing. an overview or generalsummary could go either at the end or near the beginning. personally, i think it's a good idea to describe themain features of the graph or chart near the beginning of your report.

  so, the suggested structure for task 1 looks like this:

  introduction:whatdoes the chart show?

  overview / summary: what are the most noticeablefeatures?

  specific details: tryto write 2 paragraphs.



  既然是overview, 无需事无巨细,从总体把握即可,而对动态图和静态图分别可以从以下方面去找特征:

  a. 动态图找两大特征:趋势特征和比较特征





  overview: it isclear that the car is by far the most popular means of transport for ukcommuters throughout the period shown. also, while the numbers of people whouse the car and train increase gradually, the number of bus users fallssteadily.



  overview: it isclear that the proportion of elderly people increases in each country between1940 and 2040. japan is expected to see the most dramatic changes in itselderly population.

  b. 静态图没有趋势特征,只有比较,但注意多维度比较:



  overview: it isclear that more materials are needed to produce 1000 paper cups. whilepolystyrene cups mainly rely on steam, wood is the most important for theproduction of paper cups.



  a. 在数据图中,找到主要信息,可以帮助考生理清思路,简化题目难度。



  it is clear that house wasthe most popular dwelling type in three regions. also, the percentage of eachtype of residential type remained relatively unchanged in the given period.

  首先,从比较特征来看,house所占比重最大,即意味着house是主流的住房形式;其次,从趋势特征来看,2001年至2006年间,不管是上升或是下降,幅度都在1%-3%左右,而这种变化在动态图中可以表达为remainrelatively unchanged, 也等于把动态图变成了静态图。经过这样的信息提炼,考生就可以忽略动态变化,用比较的句式就可以完成整篇写作,大大化解了题目的难度。

  b. 在非数据类图中,overview更多的是为了满足题目的要求,同时也可以起到增加字数的作用。


  overview: it isclear that this school had changed its internal layout dramatically to bettersuit the need of growth in student number.




  it is clear that the us produced more waste than ireland, japan, korea,poland and portugal combined. 比较几个国家所产生垃圾的量的多少it is also noticeablethat korea was the only country that managed to reduce its waste output by theyear 2000.总体把握趋势特征

  在主体部分的数据描述中,直接写出“between1980 and 2000”, 即只对1980年和2000的数据进行对比描述。1990年的数据在整篇作文中几乎被忽略,只有当分析korea的情况才提及,因为korea在1980年出现了数据缺失。

  2). 在必要的部分作出比较


  between 1980 and 2000,waste production in the us rose from 131 to 192 million tonnes, and rising trends were also seen in japan, poland andportugal. japan’s waste output increased from 28 to 53 million tonnes, while poland and portugal saw waste totalsincrease from 4 to 6.6 and from 2 to 5 million tonnes respectively.

  首句描述美国的垃圾量在增加,而日本、波兰和葡萄牙所产生的量也在上升,所以用“bealso seen”来体现前后的相似。同时日本增加的量远远多于波兰和葡萄牙,用“while”正好表明对比。

  the trends for ireland andkorea were noticeably different fromthose described above. in ireland, waste production increased more thaneightfold, from only 0.6 million tonnes in 1980 to 5 million tonnes in 2000.korea, by contrast, cut its waste outputby 12 million tonnes between 1990 and 2000.


  综合以上分析,就task achievement来说,这篇范文符合9分标准。

  2. coherence and cohesion: usescohesion in such a way that it attracts no attentionandskillfully manages paragraphing.

  在这个要求中,很重要的一点是“attracts no attention” and“skillfully”, 强调自然而有技巧地使整篇文章有清晰的连贯和衔接。要写出清晰严谨的文章需要注意以下几点:

  1). 句子与句子的衔接和连贯

  2). 段落和段落之间的衔接


  between 1980 and 2000, wasteproduction in the us rose from 131 to 192 million tonnes, and rising trends werealso seen in japan, poland and portugal. japan’s waste output increased from 28to 53 million tonnes, whilepoland and portugal saw waste totals increase from 4 to 6.6 and from 2 to 5million tonnes respectively.


  the trends for ireland and korea were noticeably different fromthose described above. in ireland, waste production increased more thaneightfold, from only 0.6 million tonnes in 1980 to 5 million tonnes in 2000.korea, by contrast,cut its waste output by 12 million tonnes between 1990 and 2000.

  “were noticeably differentfrom those described above”体现了ireland and korea和the us, japan, poland and portugal的区别,表明段落间的衔接。同时“by contrast”又表明了句子间的前后对比。

  1、3. lexical resource: uses awide range of vocabulary with very natural andsophisticated control of lexical features: rare minor errors occur onlyas “slips”.


  在本篇范文中,关于垃圾的量,用了“the amounts of waste”, “waste output”,“waste production”, “waste totals”。而“amount, production, output”是相对简单的近义词替换,“total”的常见用法是“a total of”, 表示总量,但这个词还可以用成“totally”, 或者变成名词“totals”, 这种词本身的变化就是雅思写作中很重要的一点。

  上升用“rise from”做动词用,“rising trends”形容词用法,体现了同一个词本身的变化;“increase from”, “see …increase from”和“increase eightfolds”动词用法,而且全篇出现3次,这也说明同一个词不是完全不可以重复,只要注意使用的方式;下降用“reduce its waste output”和“cut its waste output”, 纯粹的近义词替换。

  4. grammatical range andaccuracy: uses a wide range of structures withfull flexibility and accuracy; rare minor errors occur only as “slips”.

  在这一要求中,需要注意“and”前后的两个单词“range, 广度”和“accuracy, 准确”。

  ▶ “广度”意味着句子的变化,同时要拿高分,也必须注意对象词的变化,即通过对图表的理解,用不同的对象词充当句子的主语。

  例1:the pie chart shows thepercentages of expenditure on different items in the usa.


  从近义词角度来看,“expenditure”,“spending”的近义词还有:outlay,budget, salary, income, pocket money。再来看题中所给的其他信息,包括数据,类别和国家。抓住这些内容,就可以出现不同的表达句式:

  1). the expenditure/spending/ outlay/ budget/ salary/ income/ pocket money spent on food accountsfor/ makes up/ takes up 44%.

  2). 44% ofsalary is spent on food./ 44% of salary goes to food.

  3). the percentage ofsalary spent on food is 44%.

  4). food accounts for 44%of the total spending.

  5). people in the usa spend44% of their salary on food.

  6). americans spend44% of their total income on food.



  1). the time witnesses anincrease in the percentage of salary on food.

  2). the rising trend occursin the percentage of salary on food.


  1). there be: there are 44%of income going to food. / there is an increase in the percentage of salaryspent on food.

  2). 定语从句也较常用:the percentage on food isthe largest,whichaccounts for 44%.

  3). 分词结构:the percentage of salary onfood is the largest, accounting for 44%.

  4). 插入语:the percentage of salary onfood, although declining steadily in the given period, remains the largestpart, with 44%.


  1). 对象词的变化:

  us(国家作对象词)produced more waste thanireland, japan, korea, poland and portugal combined.

  waste production(垃圾的量作对象词)in the us rose from 131 to192 million tonnes.

  rising trends(趋势作对象词)were also seen in japan.

  2). 句式变化:

  us produced more waste than ireland, japan, korea, polandand portugal combined. 比较句,这类句式一定要注意比较对象的平等

  korea was the only country that managed to reduce its waste output by theyear 2000. 定语从句

  rising trends were also seen in japan, poland and portugal. 被动语态

  korea, by contrast, cut its waste output by 12million tonnes between 1990 and 2000. 插入语




  the chart compares how muchwaste was produced in six countries in the years 1980, 1990 and 2000.

  it is clear that the usproduced waste the most among the countries. also, the given period witnessedan increase in waste output in ireland, japan, poland, portugal and the uswhile there was a reduction in the waste output in korea.

  in 1980, waste productionin the us was 131 million tonnes, nearly four times the amount in japan whilepoland and portugal produced a small amount, with 4 and 2 million tonnesrespectively. increasingly more waste was produced in the us in the next twodecades, rising to 192 million tonnes and the waste output in japan almostdoubled, with 53 million tonnes in total. poland and portugal, however, sawsmaller growth in waste totals, to 6.6 and 5 million tonnes respectively.

  the patterns in ireland andkorea were noticeably different. in ireland, waste production surged to 5million tonnes in 2000, more than eight times the amount in 1980. the amount ofwaste in korea, however, was nearly halved between 1990 and 2000. (184)

  这篇范文从另外一个角度进行写作。主体第三段先把us, japan, poland and portugal在1980年所产生的垃圾的量进行对比,然后根据上升幅度的大小把趋势和上升幅度的大小进行比较。而主体第四段对ireland和korea本身起点和终点进行了比较。



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