

更新:2009-03-08 01:00 浏览:6次

jingmen zhonghe textile co. ltd, with registered capital totaling 10 million yuan and 280 million of fixed assets, is a large-seizedprivateenterprise integrating textile, garment manufacturer and cotton processing.thecompany has a history of 30 years and owns the import-export operationright,possessing 150 thousand spindles, as well as a huge contingent of technicians, advanced manufacturing equipments, and efficient management. our “xue feng” brand cotton yarn has passed the iso9001 international standard quality system certification for its fine quality and high honor, which has enjoyed a high reputation worldwide.
recent years, jzt has experienced a rapid development. the subsidiary garment companies receive the processing order for export all year around, with an output of 2 million annually, by the most advanced computer controlled lockstitch sewing machine and lockstitch sewing machine. we avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment  of  trade  relations  with  you .
in order to start a concrete transaction between us,we take pleasure in making you a special offer.to give you a general idea of various kins of goods now available for export,we enclose our latest pictures for your reference and hope that you would contact us if any item is of interest to you .our goods are of superior in quality and moderate in price and have enjoyed great popularity in market .quotation will follow upon receipt of your specific enquiry.
we are willing to establish direct business relations with your firm on the basis of equality mutunal benfit and exchange what one has for what one needs.
in order to facilitate our future work, can you tell me your msn number ,so that i can offer you immediately .
msn : cathrine.liu@live.cn   e-mail:liuyan13823584136@yahoo.cn
we look forward to hearing from you soon .
your faithfully,
export  manager



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