1KVA,2KVA3KVA5KVA,6KVA,10KVA, 15KVA, 20KVA, 30KVA, 40KVA, 50KVA, 60KVA, 80KVA, 100KVA, 120KVA, 140KVA, 160 kVA 200kva
POWERGUTORPLUSGUTOR Electric Ltd GUTOR Electric Ltd瑞士固特电子有限公司是一家工业级UPS制造商,.公司成立于1946年,总部设在瑞士的Wettingen在国际上的重要地区如中国、阿联酋、德国、印度、马来西亚、墨西哥、俄罗斯、沙特阿拉伯、美国等地都设有代表处.我们在全世界拥有商业合作伙伴网络以及信赖我们的全球设备承包商,能够保证长期、可靠的客户支持 .GUTOR电源有限公司,成立于1946年,是一家位于瑞士Wettingen市的高品质UPS工程公司。GUTOR公司致力于电力、石油、天然气、石化、化工等领域,专业制造工业用不间断电源(AC&DC)。 GUTOR公司的管理理念和工作程序,是从客户建议咨询!
固特电源主要产品包括:全智能可控硅无触点稳压器、全自动补偿式碳刷稳压器、智慧型净化交流电流、电力变压器、光伏并网逆变器、UPS不间断电源、变频电源、直流电源等。产品畅销欧美、日本、澳洲、东南亚、中东以及北非等世界四十余个国家和地区,并以其优质的产品质量、优良的售后服务赢得了世界各行各业广大客户的高度肯定。 固特电源已通过ISO-9001国际质量体系认证、欧盟CE认证、SGS认证、非盟SONCAP认证、信息产业部电信设备进网许可证等多项认证。 目前,固特电源已发展成为在中国大陆拥有完善的研发、制造、销售、技术支持服务体系的**专业电源企业。公司在服务于员工、服务于客户、服务于社会的同时,与各界合作伙伴实现共赢!
Gutor Electronic has more than 45 years’ experience providing uninterruptible power supply (UPS) systems for the oil and gas, petrochemicals, nuclear, power generation, mining, transport, desalination and chemical industries. The company’s head office is in Wettingen, Switzerland. Gutor has been part of Schneider Electric since 2007.
Customised UPS systems
At Schneider Electric, every step of a Gutor UPS system’s lifecycle, from pre-sales and design through final testing and after-sales service, is custom-tailored to meet your specific needs. Of course, at the centre of our service lies a Gutor UPS, recognised worldwide for its reliability, quality and ability to withstand harsh industrial environments.
Our customers choose Gutor secure power solutions for the Schneider Electric full solution approach. Schneider Electric has designed its Gutor UPS systems primarily to satisfy stringent industry requirements, such as:
Robust equipment that can withstand harsh environmental conditions
A high degree of customisation