

更新:2011-05-05 16:16 浏览:6次
湖北格丽特建材有限公司是一家中美合资集团化企业,成立于一九九八年总部于广州,生产基地座落于湖北咸宁经济开发区,占地面积33000平方米,环境优美,地理条件优越,距武汉市30分钟,距武广高铁约5分钟,距京珠高速约10分钟。交通十分便利。 经过多年的积累和创造,我们拥有20多项国家实用新型和发明专利。我们坚持以高标准的产品设计和质量要求为消费者提供优质的产品。在能源紧张、环境污染严重的今天,我们以绿色环保,保护地球,惠泽员工,回报社会,为企业对社会不可推卸责任,我们从事「帝安仕」系列新型石塑地板的研发和生产,产品环保独特,是大理石板、木地板、瓷砖的取代品,且装饰性强,可重复利用,从而大大减少人类对石材,森林的开采和破坏,大大减少生产过程中的排放对环境的污染。 我们提倡环保理念,为人类赖以生存的地球及其有限的资源尽一份应尽的义务,并以给予我们生存土壤和发展机会的社会满怀感恩之心。 合作、创新、诚信、务实是我们的经营理念,竭诚的希望您的加盟、我们的合作、能使我们的社会和生活变得更加和谐、更加美好! enterprise introduction hubeiglitter building materials limited company is a china-us joint venture group enterprise, sets up in headquarters in guangzhou in 1998, manufactures base locate in hubei xian ning economy development zone, occupies area 33000 square meters, environment beautiful, geography condition superior. pass through many year 's accumulate and create, we have 20 many a country utility models and invent patent. we insist on as high grade allow product design and quality request for consumer supply high quality product. nervous at energy sources, environment contamination serious today, we as green environmental protection, protects earth, grace staff, recompenses society, is enterprise to society can not shift duty, we engage in " emperor safe be an official " series of new-typed stone model floor, wall face brick, 's develop and manufacture, product environmental protection unique, is dali flag, plank floor, ceramic tile 's replaces article, and decorative strong, can repetition take advantage of, thus greatly decreases humankind to stone, forest 's mine and breakage, greatly decreases 's let to environmental pollution in production line. we advocate environmental protection concept, is humankind depends on exist 's earth and its limited data finish a should finish 's obligation, and as grant we exist soil and inning's society armful owe of heart. cooperation, innovation, good faith, try to be practical are our run concept, with all sincerity hope your join in, our cooperation, can makes our society and live change much harmonious,better!
中国 湖北 咸宁市 长江产业园
86 0715 8235056
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主要经营:New material新型地材;Decorative tile装饰砖;Talis series钛丽丝系列;Noble textile 贵族布艺系列;Interexture编织系列;Wood series木纹系列;Carpet series地毯纹系列;Stone series石纹系列

北格丽特建材有限公司是一家中美合资集团化企业,成立于一九九六年,生产基地坐落于湖北咸宁经济开发区,占地面积33000平方米,环境优美,地理条件优越。 经过多年的积累和创造,我们拥有多项实用新型和发明专利。我们坚持以高标准的产品设计和质量要求为消费者提供优质的产品。在能源紧张、环境污染严重的今天,我们以绿色环保,保护地球,惠泽员工,回报社会,为企业对社会不可推卸的责任,我们从事 帝安仕系列新型石塑地板、PVC塑胶地板、装饰砖的研发和生产,产品环保独特,是大理石板、木地板、瓷砖的取 ...

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