
原装正版乐泰胶水 444 快干胶

更新:2011-07-04 10:06 浏览:4次
乐泰444 快干胶 包装规格:20g瓶装 主要粘贴材料:金属,橡胶,塑料 颜色:透明无色 类型:乙基 粘度:550/850 固化速度:30秒/24小时 剪切强度:22 相对密度:1.05 product description loctite® tak pak™product 444 is a single component, fast curing clear, medium viscosity cyanoacrylate instant adhesive formulated for electronic applications. product 444 is designed for use with tak pak accelerators to produce instant cures for tacking electronic components. typical applications used to tack jumper wires, and wires to coil forms. tamper proofing adjustable components. mounting standoffs, edge guides, and stiffeners to circuit boards. properties of uncured material typical value range chemical type ethyl cyanoacrylate appearance clear liquid specific gravity @ 25°c 1.05 viscosity @ 25°c, mpa.s (cp) brookfield lvf spindle 2 @ 30 rpm 700 550 to 850 flash point (tcc), °c 84 typical properties of cured material physical properties coefficient of thermal expansion, astm d696, k-1 80 x 10-5 coefficient of thermal conductivity, astm c177, w.m-1k-1 .11 glass transition temperature, astm e228, ºc 130 electrical properties dielectric constant & loss, astm d150 constant loss measured at 1 khz 3.00 0.028 volume resistivity, astm d257 , w.cm 7.2 x 1015 surface resistivity , w 6.6 x 1016 dielectric strength, astm d149 , v/mil 930 directions for use 1. apply one coating of tak pak accelerator to the area to be bonded by spray, brush or dipping. prior to application, contaminated surfaces may need special cleaning or degreasing to remove any dissolvable contamination. note: because the solvent base of tak pak accelerators can affect certain plastics or coatings, checking all surfaces for compatibility is recommended. 2. allow the accelerator sufficient time to evaporate, under good ventilation, until the surfaces are completely dry (approximately 15 to 30 seconds). 3. apply tak pak 444 cyanoacrylate product immediately after solvent has dried. note:. if cyanoacrylate is not applied to the accelerator within 45 seconds, accelerator should be reapplied. 4. where possible, for a few seconds move surfaces in relation to each other to properly distribute the adhesive and to achieve maximum activation. secure the assembly, and wait for surfaces to fixture before any further handling. general information this product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected as a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. storage products shall be ideally stored in a cool, dry location in unopened containers at a temperature between 8° to 21°c (46° to 70°f) unless otherwise labeled. optimal storage is at the lower half of this temperature range. to prevent contamination of unused product, do not return any material to its original container 优势方面 我们只提供原装正品汉高乐泰、道康宁、 3m 、迈图等产品,我们为广大客户朋友提供极具竞争优势的价格。 汉高乐泰是全球胶粘剂技术和品牌市场领导者。 道康宁、迈图是全球硅胶领域的市场领导者。 3m 是全球胶带、环氧胶、结构胶等领域的市场领导者。 我们是专业胶粘剂及施胶设备整体解决方案供应商,我们不止卖产品,我们更为客户提供全面而专业的售前指导和售后服务工作,直至广大客户的项目正常运转! 欲知更多产品详情,欢迎咨询深圳市鹏科泰贸易有限公司 网址: http://pengketai.cn.alibaba.com/ 电话: 0755-86381816 传真: 0755-86381822
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