

更新时间:2011-06-17 09:56:00 信息编号:45852
深圳市鹏科泰贸易有限公司 商铺


乐泰 713 促进剂 基本性能: 外观透明度/颜色:清澈 适用基材:氰基丙烯酸酯类胶粘剂, 促进剂 product description loctite® tak pak® accelerator 713 is a single-component, medical grade, solvent-based accelerator for instant adhesives. it is designed to speed the cure of loctite cyanoacrylate adhesives. medical device bonding cured product is certified for disposable medial device applications. loctite tak pak accelerator 713 has been tested by north american science associates (namsa) and found to be in compliance with the requirements for usp class vi plastics. tests included acute systemic toxicity (t- 12), intracutaneous toxicity (t-13) and the implantation test (t-14). loctite product 713 complies with the loctite iso- 10993 biocompatibility test program. certificates of compliance are available through the loctite quality department. suitable for use in assembly of disposable medical devices. approvals product 713 has been granted iso-1099 which makes it particularly suited for use in disposable medical device assemblies. effects of sterilization in general, products similar in composition to loctite product 713 subjected to standard sterilization methods, such as eto and gamma radiation (25 to 50 kilorays cumulative) show excellent bond strength retention. product 713 maintains bond strength after 1 cycle of steam autoclave. it is recommended that customers test specific parts after subjecting them to the preferred sterilization method. consult with loctite for a product recommendation if your device will see more than 3 sterilization cycles. typical applications · printed circuit board wire tacking · tamperproofing of adjustable components · anywhere an instant surface cure of a cyanoacrylate adhesive is desired. product features and benefits · speeds cure of loctite cyanoacrylate adhesives · can be applied by spray, brush or drop · dries in seconds to speed assembly · improves cure through gap capability of loctite cyanoacrylates liquid properties typical value chemical type organic amine appearance clear amber liquid specific gravity @ 25°c 0.8 viscosity @ 68ºf, cp (20ºc, mpa.s) 1 flash point (tcc) 53ºf solvent isopropanol drying time @ 68ºf/(20ºc), seconds <30 on-part life, hours 1 vapor pressure, mbar <50 peformance fixture time and cure speed achieved by using tak pak accelerator 713 depend on the adhesive used and the substrate bonded. general information this product is not recommended for use in pure oxygen and/or oxygen rich systems and should not be selected with a sealant for chlorine or other strong oxidizing materials. for safe handling information on this product, consult the material safety data sheet. (msds). where aqueous washing systems are used to clean the surfaces before bonding, it is important to check for compatibility of the washing solution with the activator and adhesive. in some cases these aqueous washes can affect the cure and performance of these materials. this product is not normally recommended for use on plastics (particularly thermoplastic materials where stress cracking of the plastic could result). users are recommended to confirm compatibility of the product with such substrates. use and application an accelerator is a substance that speeds a reaction. this product can be applied after the application of a loctite cyanoacrylate adhesive to speed up cure. post-acceleration 1. apply loctite cyanoacrylate to the parts to be bonded or fixed. 2. apply accelerator over adhesive by spray or by drop. use one drop of accelerator per one drop of adhesive. handling precautions under no circumstances should the accelerator and adhesive be directly mixed as liquids. the carrying solvent can affect certain plastics or coatings. it is recommended that all surfaces be tested for compatibility before use. storage product shall be ideally stored in a cool, dry location in unopened containers at a temperature between 8°c to 28°c (46°f to 82°f) unless otherwise labeled. optimal storage is at the lower half of this temperature range.

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