

更新:2011-01-07 11:32 浏览:5次
数量(公斤) 价格(元/公斤) ≥1 2000.00元/公斤 收藏此信息 详细信息 批发说明 联系方式 品牌 anseros 有效物质含量 化学物质(%) 主要用途 分解臭氧 德国安思罗斯公司anseros company提供世界最新一代新型高科技,德国臭氧化学分解催化剂,分解臭氧效果好,寿命长。主要用于精密仪器仪表,医疗设备,航空航天,实验室等要求较高的领域。我们公司已经不提供老一代的产品化学分解剂。因为目前国内外正在用的老一代臭氧化学分解剂寿命短,容易潮湿而失效。 lnshark@163.com qq 271601004 公司产品网上直销店网址http://lnshark.cn.alibaba.com the company name anseros is derived from the latin anser - the goose (female/male). the ancient romans kept geese as "watchdogs" in the yard of the capitol in rome. thus geese became a synonym for a strategic defense system. ozone, the topic of research at anseros, also plays an important role in the stratosphere in the defense against the incoming uv-radiation. in the lower atmosphere, ozone serves as a shield against germs. the picture of a dynamically flying goose above the company name thus forms an adequate unit of sense and shape. we chose the blue of goethe (germanys most famous poet), as color for the logo, which is also the colour of ozone in water at certain concentrations the anseros klaus nonnenmacher gmbh is patentee of international and national patents in germany, the u.s. and japan. anseros is represented by exclusive agents in the following countries: egypt australia belgium china greece great britain the netherlands india iran israel italy japan columbia corea poland sweden singapore spain south africa thailand taiwan usa united emirates
中国 辽宁 鞍山市铁西区 鞍山市铁西区大西街134号 ,QQ 271601004
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中德合资鞍山安思罗斯环保有限公司是一家中德合资的专做臭氧产品的环保企业,通过了ISO9000质量体系认证,有自营进出口权的外商投资企业。主营德国臭氧发生器,德国臭氧水检测仪,德国臭氧橡胶老化仪,德国臭氧水空气处理设备,德国可调节臭氧电源,德国臭氧气体分析仪。公司位于中国辽宁鞍山市 高新技术产业开发区鞍千路309号及辽宁鞍山市铁西区大西街134。两个工作地点。中德鞍山安思罗斯公司本着“客户第一,诚信至上”的原则,与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系。热诚欢迎各界朋友前来参观、考察、洽谈 ...

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