
青岛MD-CNC (自動)三座標測量機1000*1200*800德台合资

更新:2011-07-29 13:29 浏览:5次
md -cnc ( 自動 ) 三座標測量機 3d-coordinate measuring machine md cnc 10 00 x 1 2 00 x 8 00 ( 本公司儀器產品外型內部結構保留隨時改進升級 ) 青岛安高机电工程有限公司很高興能為您提供服務 , 現就 md10128 -cnc 座標測量機做出详解 , 希望能為您 提供最先進、最經濟的完美測量解決方案。 我公司成立 1985 年, 是德國 aeh 集團授權的臺灣合作生產商《〈三座標測量機。零組件》》及全杈代理德國 aeh 集團旗下德國 mora 三座標測量機德國 de ac-dims 軟體及德國 sb 三座標測量機自動控制系統 , 德國 aeh 集團旗下 俱有全套自主知識產權的座標測量機製造商 , 投入使用其 良好的硬體基礎和完善的配套設施已達到國際標準,使公司年生產能力提高到 850/ 年 台以上,成為世界知名度最高的座標測量機製造商及世界知名品牌。 we are glad to serve you. there is the quotation for md10128 -cnc coordinates measuring machine. we hope to serve the most modern, the great deal, and the perfect design for your case. our company established in 1985. we were authorized by group aeh in german to manufacture the products in taiwan. (those include threecoordinates measuring machines and components.) and as the agency of coordinates measuring machines of mora, the software of de ac- dims and sb coordinates measuring machine automatic system, those belong to the group aeh in german. group aeh in german is the one who owns the maturity acknowledge in the industry and able to manufacture the measuring machines. they provide the nice hardware system to meet the perfect mechanic system. the complete set has been reached the international standard. it enables the factories to manufacture the maximum 850 set an year. nowadays, group aeh own the great reputation and well known in the world. 源於德國 aeh 研發中心的測量核心技術及 mora 公司生產 100 年三座標測量機的經驗( mora 公司創於 1909 年) ,始終緊隨著世界三座標測量機的最前沿。 自主開發的的 ac-dmis 測量軟體通過 ptb 認證且擁有獨家版權。研製出接觸式、非接觸式、複合式、關節臂 , 旋臂式…等 8 大類型 12 大系列 180 多個型號的座標測量機,廣泛應用在航空航太、國防軍工、電、汽車工業、風力發電 , 、模具、電子及教育等多個行業,展現在市場上產品的迅速升級模式。 我們的產品嚴格追求給用戶評價三好政策 品質好 , 價格好 , 服務好。 our products manufactured by the skill of aeh rd center and the experience of mora company. the mora company has been manufacture the coordinates measuring machine for hundred year (the company established in 1909). mora has been always the top status in the measuring machines’ industry. ac- dmis self- developed measuring software has been guaranteed by ptb and is the sole distributor. they researched and produced the coordinates measuring machine 、 non contact measuring machine 、 multe sensor measuring machine 、 spin arm measuring machine … 8 sorts, 12 systems and 180 even more coordinates measuring machines. the products have been broadly used in the following industries: aircraft industry, national defense war industry, electric industry, automobile industry, wind electric power industry, module
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青岛安高机电工程有限公司,是一家集设计、铸造、加工为一体的专业性现代化公司。铸铁量具生产部:年生产各类铸件4000余吨,可生产ht200、250、300等各牌号大、中、小型铸件及各种工量具。 安高铸铁量具生产主要产品有:按国标生产各种规格铸铁检验平板、划线平板、焊接平台、t型槽平台、组合平台、模具垫板、各类发动机实验台、落地镗铣床辅助平台、平行平尺、桥型平尺、方箱、直角尺、v型铁、偏摆检查仪、机床检验棒、机床调整垫铁、机床防震垫铁等工量具。钳工维修工具产品有:平面刮刀、三角刮刀、半圆刮刀、蛇头刮刀、柳叶刮刀等。 安高花岗石量具生产主要产品有:设有机械加工,精密 ...
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