

更新:2011-06-07 16:54 浏览:6次

tong detection equipment co, ltd is located in watertown of beautiful yellowsea—sheyang county jiangsu province and it was established in 1995. it has modern system cializing in flaw detection equipment design , manufacturing and sales.

the company has sound management institutions , institutions advanced equipment , first-classtalent, it is a professional development ,professional manufacturing magnetic particle inspection machine  old factory. main products : flaw diction machines , flaw diction equipment diction instrument ,fluorescence detector ,magnetic detector ,portable magnetic flaw detector ,magnetic detector railway detector ,portable magnetic particle inspection machines, general purpose magnetic particle inspection machine, special type of magnetic flaw detector .fluorescent powder on the parts can be detected . our products reach to united states mil and german din standard .meet the national standard jb/t8290-1998” magnetic detector” standard. now ,it has ten series and over a hundred varieties . our product spread all over xinjiang shandong jiangsu and more than 20 countries in southeast asia part of the country. and no record of a refund ,

our company persist in principle that only technology ,industry and export make it become stranger. in the effort to innovation and striving for excellent ,continuous product development and domestic series constantly goals. to outstanding high-teach products ,according to the requirements of is9001 quality system, it is assured that the quality of service to your satisfaction as our       development ,production, sales of the principles. win-win with customers interests view, growth and progress with our customers view, do more and more good product view ,the first step in the problem view and view of the customer to make friends that are company will never change the quality of the policy. the brand name in the user in mind is our goal ,and win-win with user is our business philosophy , product quality tracking and implementation of lifelong service is our permanent commitment

we warmly welcome you , the communication consulting co



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