
Surface coverage of the ball that

更新:2012-09-25 14:05 浏览:4次

surface coverage of gas-liquid separation float ball alias called float oxygen, from the appearance of the band edge into the hollow, with solid edge, boundless solid sphere, cone, hexagon covered ball. this product is polypropylene as raw material, foam, shrink plastic circular shape filling into the ball with the edge covering the ball and without two types of edge cover with edge covering ball with the center of gravity and stability, the edges overlapping, covering good effect, its role is to inhibit the volatilization of acid mist to protect the health of operators, reduce air pollution and air pollution on water quality, improve the quality of condensed water is conducive to the safe operation of generators. surface coverage of the ball made of polypropylene (pp) plastic material, this product comes in two models: i type as a foam float, ii-type solid core for the foam ball (energy balls). application: mainly used for covering the ball covers over the role of the upper surface. such as: storage tank for acid and alkali, acid gas to prevent spills, evaporation, to reduce acid gas pollution of external environment, and conservation role of acid-base materials; for desalting water, air and water so that isolation can reduce air of co2, o2 and dust and other impurities in brine on the addition to pollution and ensure water quality. acid for various horizontal tank, the condensate water storage tanks, demineralized water tank, a large degree of reduction of acid mist, carbon dioxide and oxygen in the air pollution of water, to protect water quality, energy conservation, clean environment effect. how to use: the number of covered ball used by adding the liquid surface, covering the natural arrangement of regular ball, cover the liquid surface, the edge of the other sealing material can be sealed. application examples cover the spherical surface: oil, chemicals, chlor-alkali, gas, metallurgy, environmental protection, electric power companies of various horizontal acid tank; water in the condensate storage tanks and demineralized water tank; power system of concentrated hydrochloric acid and the condensation water tank sealing materials; for coverage in a variety of volatile liquid surface with.

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