
Kefon Auto-Electric Co。,Ltd

更新:2010-01-05 16:52 浏览:6次

about us:  

kefon auto-electric co。,ltd is established in 1998 which is an intelligent middle-scale group corporation specializing in researching, designing, manufacturing, distribution of ac/dc motor and providing relevant services. the production worldwide used in vehicle, furniture, healthcare equipment, garage door and so on. we currently have been establishing the good and long term business relationship with home and abroad known enterprises. such as sgm, svw, chery, saic gm wuling automatic co.,ltd etc. and the productions have being exporting to europe, north america, australia, japan, southeast asia etc.

our company is certified by qs9000 & ts16949. nowadays, we owns advanced automatic production line, high-grade imported full automatic special test equipment, and the technological research institution com posing wuhan university of technology and our high quality & title professional engineers. therefore, it is strong in the technology development, exquisite in the assembly and professional in the line. the company has pushed some scientific research results into the society, has the right of independent knowledge property and patent development, so that makes up for the vacancy of this industry, and obtains a good reputation.

 replying on the abundant technology strength, superior techniques equipment, excellent service group, we sincerely welcome enterprises of all circles domestic and abroad to create a brand new bright future together.


中国 浙江 瑞安市 浙江省温州市瑞安市莘塍工业区 仙桥集团
关于浙江科锋汽车电器有限公司商铺首页 | 更多产品 | 黄页介绍

科锋电机成立于1998年,是从事 AC/DC 电机以及车身附件制造、研发的专业公司,产品主要应用于:车辆、家居用品、健康器材、门业等领域。目前主要客户有:SVW、上海交运、延锋-江森、奇瑞汽车、华晨汽车、福田汽车、上汽通用五菱、圣利保健、西塞德等,并有产品出口欧洲、北美洲、东南亚等地。我们公司通过ISO/TS16949:2002认证。

   产品主要系列有:座椅电机(水平、调高、倾斜、调角)、玻璃升降电机、雨刮器、驾驶室翻转油压电机、车辆 ...

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