“军爱民,民拥军,军民鱼水一家亲。”百丽橱柜门厂与武警宜春一中队 “结亲”,旨在践行全心全意为人民服务的宗旨,密切警民关系,为民营企业创造和谐的社会治安环境,为民营企业经济发展保驾护航,并提供更多更好的优质服务。警民一家才能共创和谐,一个富有社会责任感的企业才能保持恒久魅力。百丽橱柜用实际行动为自己的发展作出了注脚。相信百丽的发展之路会越走越远!
“the armed forces love the people, the people supporting the army, military and civilian fish water kiss.”every year's 81 army day, collect the joint-stock company to be able broadly to take to bring with the rich gift, salutes in the area armed police fire prevention army officers and soldiers, widely carries out the multiform police and people together build a socialist spiritual civilization activity.