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    棉及其混纺纱线 cotton, cotton mixed & blended yarns

    棉纱cotton yarns 涤棉纱 t/c & cvc yarns

    粘棉纱 cotton/rayon yarns

    棉晴纱 cotton/acrylic yarns

    棉/氨纶包芯纱 cotton/spandex yarns

    棉与其他混纺纱 cotton/others blended yarns


    增白: white / snow white 特黑: black / jet black

    奶白: ivory/ecru/off white/cream 大红: red

    紫红: bordeaux/wine 紫色: burgundy/plum/violet/purple

    绿色: green 灰色: grey 玉色: oyster/peach 黄色: yellow

    卡其: kahki 雪青: lilac 古铜色: brown 梅红: fuschia

    墨绿: charcoal 豆绿: olive 藏青: navy/blue 天蓝: sky blue

    粉红: pink 米色: beige 橘黄: orange 驼色: camel


    卷杆: rilling/winding 散装: loose packing 编织袋: weaving bag

    纸箱: carton 木箱: woden case 中性包装: neutral packing

    单幅卷杆: rolled on tubes in open width

    双幅卷杆: double folded on rolls

    双幅折板: double folded on board 腰封: paper tapes

    纸管: tube 吊牌: lable / hang tag 唛头: shipping mark

    船样: shipping sample 塑料袋: poly bag 匹长: roll length

    拼匹: roll with sewing / roll with join 拼箱: lcl 整箱: fcl

    出口包装: export packing


    质量标准: quality standard(oeko-tex standard 100、iso9002、sgs、its、aatcc、m&s)

    客检: customer inspection 台板检验:table inspection

    经向检验: lamp inspection 色牢度: color fastness

    皂洗色牢度: washing color fastness

    摩擦色牢度: rubbing / cricking color fastness

    光照色牢度: light color fastness

    汗渍色牢度: perspiration color fastness

    水渍色牢度: water color fastness

    氯漂白色牢度: chlorine bleach color fastness

    尺寸稳定性: dimensional stability

    外观持久性: appearance retention

    拉伸强度: tensile strength 撕破强度: tear strength

    接缝滑裂: seam slippage 抗起毛起球性: pilling resistance

    耐磨性: abrasion resistance 拒水性: water repellency

    抗水性: water resistance 织物密度: thread per inch/stich density 纱支: yarn count 克重: weight


    疵点: defect/fault 经柳: streaky warp 断经: broken end

    急经: right end 粗纬: coarse picks 粗经: coarse end

    断纬: broken picks 纬斜: skewing/slope 横 档: filling bar

    污迹: stain/dirt 异型丝: goat/foreing yarn 破洞: hole

    色花: shade variation/color difference/color diviation

    色柳: color stripe 渗色: color bleeding

    褪色: color fading/discolor 擦伤: scratch/barasion/winch mark

    松板印: moire effects 折痕: crease mark


    染色前整理: preminary finishe (pfp, pfd) 退浆: desizing

    染色: dyeing 固色: color fixing

    后整理: after finish / after treatment 热定型: heat setting

    树脂整理: resin finish 切割:cut 轧花: embossed/logotype

    涂层: coating ( pvc、pu、pa) 涂白: white pigment

    涂银: silver 烫金: gold print 磨毛: brushed

    起皱: crinked/ creped 轧泡: bubbled 丝光: mercerized

    硬挺: stiffening 抗静电: anti-static 抗起球: anti-pilling

    防羽绒: down proof 防霉: anti-fungus 免烫: wash and wear

    砂洗: stone washed 阻燃: flam retardant

    环保染色: azo free / no azo 防水: w/p ( water shrinkage )

    拒水: w/r (water repellent ) 缩水: w/s ( water shrinkage )

    印花: printing 涂料印花: coat printing

    拔染印花: discharge printing 平网印花: plate scream printing

    圆网印花: rotary scream printing 转移印花: transfer printing

    烂花: burn out 模版印花: block printing

    纸版印花: paper stencil


    麦克贝思电脑配色系统: macbeth “ clor – eye ” computer color – matching system

    电脑配液系统: “ rapid – doser ” labortex – laboratory dosing system

    verivide对色灯箱: verivide color assesment cabinet

    打样: lab dips 大货生产: bulk production

    精练机: desizing machine 折幅机: creasing machine

    卷染: jig dyeing 溢流染色: jet overflow dyeing/bleed dyeing

    轧染: pad dyeing 定型机: set-streching/stenter frame


    碱性染料: basic dyes 酸性染料: acid dyes 活性染料: reactive dyes 分散染料: disperse dyes 阳离子染料: cation dyes 还原染料: vat dyes 直接染料: direct dyes 硫化染料: sulphur dyes

    非偶氮染料: azo free dyes


    里料: lining 面料:fabric 平纹: taffeta 斜纹: twill

    缎面: satin / charmeuse 绡: lustrine 提花: jacquard

    烂花: burnt-out 春亚纺:pongee 格子: check 条子: stripe

    双层: double – layer 双色: two – tone 花瑶: faille

    高士宝: koshibo 雪纺: chiffon 乔其: georgette

    塔丝隆: taslon 弹力布: spandex/elastic/strec/lycra

    牛仔布: jeanet 牛津布: oxford 帆布: cambric

    涤棉:p/c 涤捻: t/r 白条纺: white stripe 黑条纺: black stripe

    空齿纺: empty stripe 水洗绒/桃皮绒: peach skin

    卡丹绒: peach twill 绉绒: peach moss 玻璃纱: organdy

    涤纶:ployester 锦纶:nylon/polyamide 醋酸:acetate

    棉; cotton 人棉:rayon 人丝:viscose

    仿真丝:imitated silk fabric 真丝:silk

    氨纶:spandex/elastic/strec/lycra 长丝: filament 短纤: spun

    黑丝:black yarn 阳离子: cation 三角异形丝: triangle profile

    空气变形丝:air-jet texturing yarn 超细纤维: micro – fibric

    全拉伸丝: fdy (full drawn yarn)

    预取向丝: poy(preoriented yarn)

    拉伸变形丝: dty(draw textured yarn)

    牵伸加捻丝: dt (drww twist)

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