

更新:2025-02-17 08:00 IP: 浏览:1次

In the rapidly developing modern business environment, food OEM and supermarket OEM exhibitions have gradually become an important part of supply chain optimization and brand building in the food industry. Especially in Shanghai, an international metropolis, food OEM and supermarket OEM exhibitions have attracted global attention and become a powerful engine for promoting innovation and development in the food industry.

1、 The significance and trend of food OEM processing

Food OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) model, also known as food OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer), refers to the process in which a brand entrusts a manufacturer to produce and process food according to their specified formula, specifications, packaging, and other requirements, and affix the brand's own brand label to the product. This model holds a crucial position in the food industry, and its significance lies not only in meeting the diverse and personalized food needs of consumers, but also in promoting the development of the food industry in terms of scale, branding, and specialization.

In recent years, with the increasing demands of consumers for food safety, health, and quality, as well as the rise of new business models such as e-commerce and new retail, the food OEM processing industry has ushered in unprecedented development opportunities. More and more brand owners are seeking to cooperate with food manufacturers, quickly launching new products that meet market demand through OEM processing models, enhancing brand influence, and seizing market share.

2、 The Grand Ceremony of Shanghai Food OEM Processing and Supermarket OEM Exhibition

As one of the major food industry events in Asia, the Shanghai Food OEM and Supermarket OEM Exhibition attracts brands, manufacturers, purchasers, experts and scholars from all over the world to gather together every year to discuss the new dynamics and development trends of the food industry.

At the exhibition site, there is a wide variety of food OEM products, ranging from snacks, beverages, health foods to frozen foods, fast food, and more. Exhibiting companies have showcased their technological advantages, product features, and brand strength, seeking cooperation opportunities and expanding market space through on-site exhibitions, exchanges, and negotiations.

At the same time, the OEM exhibition area of supermarkets has also received much attention. As one of the important channels for food sales, supermarkets play a crucial role in the influence and market competitiveness of food brands. The OEM exhibition area of supermarkets gathers numerous supermarket brands, who strengthen communication and cooperation with manufacturers by showcasing their own brand products, sharing successful experiences, and exploring cooperation opportunities, promoting the development and growth of their own brands.

3、 The driving role of food OEM and supermarket OEM exhibitions

The holding of Shanghai Food OEM and Supermarket OEM Exhibition has a positive promoting effect on the development of the food industry. Firstly, the exhibition provides a platform for direct communication between brand owners and manufacturers, promoting in-depth cooperation and mutual benefit between both parties. Secondly, the exhibition brings together new global food technology and product information, providing a continuous driving force for industry innovation. In addition, the exhibition has strengthened communication and integration between the food industry and other industries, promoting cross-border development and industrial upgrading of the food industry.

4、 Future outlook

Looking ahead to the future, Shanghai Food OEM and Supermarket OEM Exhibition will continue to play an important role in the food industry. With the recovery of the global economy and the continuous development and growth of the food industry, the scale of exhibitions will continue to expand, participating companies will become more diversified, and exhibits will become more diverse and diverse. At the same time, the exhibition will also pay more attention to exploring and exchanging themes such as innovation, green, and health, promoting the development of the food industry towards higher levels and broader fields.

In short, as one of the important events in the food industry, Shanghai Food OEM and Supermarket OEM Exhibition will continue to inject new vitality into industry innovation and development. We look forward to seeing more exciting highlights and innovative achievements in future exhibitions!



食品贴牌代加工,即OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer)模式,是指品牌商委托生产商按照其指定的配方、规格、包装等要求,进行食品的生产加工,并在产品上贴上品牌商自己的品牌标签。这种模式在食品行业中具有举足轻重的地位,其意义不仅在于满足消费者对多样化、个性化食品的需求,更在于促进食品行业的化、规模化、品牌化发展。 
















  • chenyiwuyu:浙江chenyiwuyu生态科技发展有限公司旗下品牌,该公司始创于2016年,是由公益爱好者陈小丹女士基于公益助农、带动宝妈人群及残障人士就业、为消费者提供健康产品为目标创立的信任链电商平台。chenyiwuyu始终致力于健康、绿色、美味食品的经营和开发,为消费者提供以新鲜水果为主,蔬菜米蛋、零食干货、饮品冲剂、节日礼品为辅的全品类优选商品。在本次展会上,chenyiwuyu旗下的chenyiwuyu益生菌固体饮料、发胶番荔枝胶原蛋白肽饮品、红枣枸杞阿胶糕、后生元清新美白牙膏、chenyi优品多重氨基酸洁面乳、chenyi优品玻尿酸水光修护面膜、钦蜜9号黄金百香果、绿皮香蕉、栖霞红富士、葡萄柚等产品,凭借zhuoyue的产品品质、销售业绩及市场认可度,一举斩获十项自有品牌zhuoyue商品奖,备受瞩目。

  • 劲家庄:劲家庄健康食品有限公司是由南旋集团及zhiming影星何家劲先生于2011年在香港共同投资创办,并在国内注册成立“劲家庄(惠州)健康食品有限公司”。该公司是一家以五谷为养,顺应四时,药食同源,专注做全谷物健康食品的mingxingqiye。在本次展会上,劲家庄庄主何家劲先生亲临现场直播带货,吸引了大量观众,线上直播间更是吸引超过10万人次观看。

  • 全球自有品牌产品亚洲展(PLF)是一个针对全渠道零售商开发全品类自有品牌商品的优质交易平台。该展会于2010年由自有品牌制造商协会(PLMA)与上海跨国采购中心有限公司(ISPC)联合打造,经过13年的发展,已经帮助国内5000多家工厂成功与海内外零售商建立直接合作,通过直采、定制、联名和出口等合作模式进入零售渠道,享受到了自有品牌快速发展期的红利。


    图片在欧美国家,自有品牌已经非常发达,受到了众多零售企业尤其是连锁超市的追捧。而在中国,自有品牌起步较晚、发展较缓。随着现代零售业在中国的蓬勃发展,自有品牌也正逐渐崭露头角,无论是零售商还是批发商都需要各类供应商资源,可谓是行业发展的良机。并且 CPI 的上涨,以及越来越多的成熟消费者正在形成的理智消费习惯,使zhiyoujialian的超市自有品牌加快进入发展“黄金期”,为众优质制造商产品输入商超创造了快速且符合时代潮流的捷径。 贵州合力超市集团董事长李德祥带队参加了本次展会,并展示了自有品牌“合力黔惠”已开发的各分类商品,特别是与贵州本土老品牌合作开发的“合力黔惠牛肉干系列产品”和“合力黔惠苗姑娘辣椒酱系列产品”,吸引了众多参观者的关注。 本次展会聚集了众多优质源头工厂,吸引了来自全球各地的零售商和生产商参展。PLF 全球自有品牌产品亚洲展不仅是一个展示自有品牌产品的平台,也是一个分享成功经验、探讨行业趋势、促进合作交流的平台。通过这个平台,零售商可以找到更多优质的供应商,供应商也可以找到更多的销售渠道,共同推动自有品牌行业的发展。

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    是国内领先的商贸展会,会议活动和B2B在线贸易采购平台的主办机构, 是于伦敦股票交易所上市的博闻集团(UBM plc) 在中国的中外合作企业,由上海华展国际展览有限公司和博闻亚洲有限公司在1998年联合组建而成。公司旗下展会涉及家具系列展35万平方米;医药、健康系列展22万平方米,食品加工、包装及食品系列展50万平方米;酒店、商业空间、游艇系列展20万平方米,其在各地的区域展包括广东中山古镇灯博会,北京,成都,广州酒店和食品展,共涉及63项国际性展览活动,2017年所有展会租馆面积突破120万平方米,并拥有9个B2B平台网站,为来自全球的超过60万采购人士创造贸易机会。公司总部位于上海, ...

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