

更新:2012-12-28 11:01 浏览:5次


Control valve selection and common sense Select the control valve, the first complete collection of the physical characteristics of the process fluid control valve parameters and operating conditions, the main fluid composition, temperature, density, viscosity, normal flow, maximum flow, minimum flow, maximum flow and minimum flow rate import and export pressure, maximum pressure and so on. In the technical aspects of the main control valve itself and determine the structure, flow characteristics, the rated flow coefficient Kv value, aperture size, technology allows the calculation of pressure and actuator selection, materials and installation aspects. Select the control valve when the general principles to be followed are the following. A valve structure type: should be able to meet the medium temperature, pressure, flow, flow, adjust the scope and rigor of the requirements. Two valve flow characteristics: the system should be able to meet the characteristics of reasonable compensation. Control valve flow characteristics is the medium flow through the valve stem relative to flow and the relationship between the relative displacement, mathematical expressions are as follows: Q / Qmax = f (l / L), where Q / Qmax for the relative flow rate, as adjusted When opening the valve at a flow rate Q and the ratio of full-flow Qmax; l / L for the relative displacement of the valve when the valve opening in a displacement l and the ratio of full-shift L. The overall principle is the selection control valve regulating the flow characteristics should be the object characteristics and regulator features the contrary, it will give a comprehensive control system features close to linear. Select the flow characteristics in the process is usually carried out under the system requirements, but also consider the following facts. 1, the linear flow characteristics of the scope of application: ① pressure change is small, almost constant; ② The main process parameter changes linearly; ③ loss of most of the distribution system pressure control valve on the (change in opening the valve on the pressure change is relatively small); ④ external interference, given the value of small changes, small adjustable range of requirements. 2, the percentage of properties such as the scope of application: ① actual adjustable range; ② opening change, relatively large changes in differential pressure valve; ③ large piping system pressure loss; ④ process system load fluctuations; ⑤ valve often in small opening run. 3, in addition to the above two common flow characteristics, there are parabolic features and other features quick opening flow characteristics of control valve. Three valve diameter: should be able to meet the technical requirements on the traffic. According to the known fluid conditions, necessary to calculate the Kv value, select the appropriate valve diameter.
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