TOOL JAPAN(ツール ジャパン),農業道具,作業工具・大工道具,新商品・新技術・新品種(2年以内),OEM・オーダーメイド可,海外への販売可能,大量発注可,小ロット対応可,海外出展社,英語,中国語
Since year 2005, Hangzhou Fangcheng Tools Manufacture Co., LTD was set up. it’s only concern on the Chainsaw Parts: Guide Bars & Saw Chains. it’s purpose was to supply high quality products. After so many years efforts, it became one of the biggest factories on bars and chains. Our products now are selling well in China and also extending to many countries all over the world, and provides more than 200 kinds of different products. Quality always be the first.W/automatic machines and strict quality controls, our products have a good performance and gain good reputation in our customers.
HN, Vitel
2025日本东京国际五金劳保用品展览会 TOOL JAPAN 2025 展期:2024年10月9-11日 展期:2025年10月8日(水)~10日(金) 展览地点:日本东京千叶幕张展览馆(Makuhari Messe) 主办单位:RX Japan 株式会社 [日本励展集团] 同期举办:日本国际园艺工具设施展 日本户外工具及用品展 日本国际植保无人.机展 日本国际食品及农产品包装展 中国组展组团:福贸展会大鹏zpexpo | 日本蕞大級のプロツール・DIY向け製品の商談展です。ホームセンター、プロショップ、工具金物店などの小売・卸業者だけでなく工事業者、整備士、工場関係者 |
日本东京五金工具展览会TOOL JAPAN是日本蕞大规模、蕞具影响力的五金工具展览会,受到了日本国际贸易省、百货商店协会、连锁店协会等许多协会的大力支持,有来自世界各地的参展商参展,观展人数多。 日本东京五金工具展览会TOOL JAPAN与日本园艺及户外用品展会GARDEX、农业机械展会AGRITECH同期同地举办,构成亚洲规模较大的五金、园艺、庭院及户外用品贸易展,展出范围涵盖从生产、供应、贸易、流通等各环节,呈现完整的产业链条。 Tools & hardware related to architecture, carpenter, maintenance, and horticulture will gather all at once in TOOL JAPAN. Not only the retailers & wholesalers from hardware stores, home centres, garden centres and hardware shops, but also industry professional users will visit the show. Join the show phisically or virtually to source the latest & trendy products! |