
Yongchang brand product manual expander

更新:2010-06-15 07:00 浏览:4次
Yongchang brand product manual expander
广西贺州市永昌制粉厂 商铺
中国 广西 贺州市八步区 中国 广西 贺州市平桂区平湾路7号,207国道旁(西湾交警队往桂林方向前进
086 0774 8833900


yongchang brand product manual expander silent

welcome you to understand and use this product!


this product belongs to safety level in any ordinary material products, burning, and high temperature and high pressure conditions are not hit combustion and explosion. but as in use, transportation, storage, operation and management, is still relatively low-level risk. before use, please read this manual and according to the contents of this manual operation, transportation, storage and preservation of this product. if any provision of this manual violation and personal injury and contents of property damage accidents, our factory will not bear any legal and economic responsibility.


"yongchang brand" silent expansive agent profile

our factory is an expansive agent in guangxi, the factory was founded in 1989, the "three eagle" brand is its predecessor burst. liqingzhang, founder of shigusong development "silent" won the expansive agent in guangxi zhuang autonomous region economic commission issued new achievements in scientific research hundred-flowers award honorary certificate.


yongchang brand silent expander instructions

1 product features

this product appearance of shallow pale powder, by various structural inorganic compounds subtle grain powder mixture composition. main performance in general characteristics of similar products at home and abroad, its unique characteristics:

1, the force of expansion. to a maximum of 130 mpa (1300kg/cm2).

2, short reaction time. maximum inflation force can appear the shortest time in 10 minutes. the reaction time still can be in 10 minutes to 10 hours.

3, shelf life long. in the packaging, storage and dry without damage, basic temperature (15 degrees celsius) conditions, two years without obvious changes in quality.

other optimal features:

1, safe, easy management: soundless broken agent of building materials product, product standards in the cement products, code: for the jc506-92, inflammable, explosive or dangerous goods, and the common as purchase, transportation, use. no country, explosive dangerous management regulations limit.

2, shape, easy cutting convenient: can easily control was broken body break after completing the shape. to break is broken, need to leave, leave.

3, simple construction, easy operation: this product with clean water after mixing into the drilling of tong tight. need not detonator dynamite, need not blowing, do not need professional work. operator training for a short time.

4 and environmental protection in silent, using is harmless: no, no, no, no gas flying rock, no poisonous residue, environmental products. green


2 the product range:

temperature range: at 0 ° - 35 c temperature, this product can be used normally. more than this, should adopt measures to ensure that the construction of auxiliary normal.

this potion effect of temperature:

temperature is this potion to join mixing water expansion force to achieve peak time length change is the most important factors. due to temperature change of rock and concrete cracking caused by delay time speed or chemical reaction is normal, rather than the product quality performance. rock and concrete and temperature in 15 ° c, mixing water temperature in 10 degrees c - 15, in the standard for the standard, the initial reaction time and potion maximum inflation pressure and time to time basic factory calibration.

suitable scope of project:

1, do not allow and explosives are not suitable for use with mechanical broken construction conditions, to dismantle the concrete engineering, loosing engineering. if appear lighted, flame and banned the high oil and gas pipelines, storage tank, explosives, dangerous goods warehouse, arsenal side of demolition construction, don't allow and not suitable for the extension of double line railway, flying rock appear based, communication cable construction, authority by schools and public and intensive residential construction; beside crushing don't allow and not suitable for the construction of an unusually strong vibration, such as building demolition, slope risk reserve, cultural relic protection project, are not allowed to save and not suitable for great noise and noise of construction, as late as the city construction.

2, the urban construction, equipment, water conservancy, concrete bridge and tunnel projects need "static" broken in the construction of size. keep some rock and concrete structure strength and integrity of any damage by request cannot be broken.

3 the broken rock, ordinary and loose, large size, pile shaft, the excavation pile of open caisson, grooved dug.

4 and precious rock for mining and stone cutting.

5, dig and excavation and supporting requirements of slope engineering.


3 products.

this product according to the stone mining and reinforced concrete destroys temperature can be divided into three types, the use of expansive agent should be silent when ordering according to actual construction, mining temperature to choose the appropriate type, not interoperability.


using temperature range degrees celsius

rock (soil) - reinforced

      25℃ -35℃

 rock (soil) - reinforced

      15℃ -25℃

 rock (soil) - reinforced

      0℃ -15℃


4 operating procedures:

before the operation to determine the local temperature: firstly, temperature, water temperature, the temperature of white rock, container with consistent temperature is required, check whether the potion. packing please be sure before operation ready for the following items: 1, the material. 2, clean water mixing. 3 and mixing bowl and shuipiao bucket,. 4, tong stick (level). filling 5 and protective glasses. 6 and rubber gloves. 7, clean water and towels.

for stone mining or concrete destruction, the blasting holes layout, general physical distance is about 20 centimeters deep hole blasting, the thickness of the content, but not from the bottom drill wear, must be retained for 10-20 cm. propellant with buckets of water and fill the water (ratio of 1:3 potion will then become mushy) fully mixing potions into the water, then slowly into the hole, filling, don't cover, don't mouth. after eight hours of explosive can crack naturally. according to customer needs through control additives, free burst. operate drill holes and stir steps: "open" mix holes

(1) design cloth eye:

to determine the first sight cloth at least one more free surface area (surface), it should be possible direction of drilling and free surface area (parallel), cutting rocks or concrete with the same row drilling should as far as possible in a plane. airport (the free surface), unit, the greater is broken stone economic benefit is also higher.

pitch and row spacing arrangement: pitch and row spacing and the size of rock hardness and strength of concrete and steel are directly related to the concrete strength, hardness is taller, and steel reinforced thick and dense hole spacing and row spacing is smaller, conversely, hole spacing and the big row spacing.

yongchang brand silent expander cloth hole design parameter table

broken goals

deep hole (m)

neighboring holes (cm) from

aperture (mm)




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主要经营:供应无声膨胀剂 ; 供应高效静态膨胀剂 ; 供应无声膨胀剂 ; 供应开采岩石高效无声膨胀剂
    公司概况:永昌制粉厂位于广西贺州市平桂区平湾路17号-207国道旁(西湾交警队往桂林方向前进200米)。始建于1989年,是广西第一家膨胀剂厂。经过二十多年的经营与发展,永昌制粉厂已由原来西湾矿务局管辖下的国营小厂发展成为一家中等规模的私营企业, 现在更是当地膨胀剂行业无可争议的领头羊。本厂占地面积近4000平方米,拥有一大批稳定的熟练技工,年产量在10000吨以上,产品畅销海内外。
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