in 1978, pinnacle was created by eli shamon, naturopath, nutritionist and medical scientist in australia;
自然疗法医学博士,营养学家和医药研制科学家eli shamon 伊莱·沙曼创建pinnacle 沛沛澳品牌;
in 1983: pinnacle health clinic was established, specialized in professional naturopathic,therapy and complementary natural medicines, it became well known in australia and the world now;
自然疗法医学博士,营养学家和医药研制科学家eli shamon 伊莱·沙曼创建pinnacle 沛沛澳品牌;
in 1990, pinnacle natural products whole range started selling in australian chemist, health shops and health care professionals;
pinnacle natural products 澳洲沛沛澳天然产品公司成立,旗下中草药自然理疗产品在澳洲各大药房商店和专业医疗机构销售;
in 2004, pinnacle laboratories was incorporated and is overseeing all pinnacle group of companies, soon it became a world leader in healthcare industry;
pinnacle laboratories 集团成立,专注医疗保健领域,旗下包括各地诊所,天然草本调理治疗药物等,每周帮助至少300 位以上的病人走上健康道路;
in 2008, pinnacle started development of pinnacle gold infant formula which is made to be the closest to breast milk, speciayll for asian babies;
pinnacle 携手澳大利亚近百名资深婴幼儿医疗专家组成的团队,历经两年研制出最接近母乳,最适合亚洲宝宝的独家婴幼儿奶粉配方;
in 2010, pinnacle infant formula successfully exported to asian countries such as india, vietnam and other southeast asian countries,shanghai and guangzhou were as first trial cities for china market;
in 2012, shenzhen pinnacle technology co., ltd was established in china for pinnacle’s sales and marketing center, on 1st dec 2012, pinnacle infant formula formally entered greater china market.
10 月24 日在深圳正式设立中国品牌营销中心——深圳市沛沛澳科技有限公司,管辖大中华区业务,12 月1 日召开新闻发布会,宣布正式进入中国。