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近日,以“Elevate Industry Intelligence, Drive Customer Success”为主题的中控技术2024自动化技术研讨会在土耳其大城市伊斯坦布尔召开。会议聚焦智能制造和工业自动化领域的前沿技术动态,吸引了众多业内企业、合作伙伴、工程公司以及EPC公司的人士现场参会。本次研讨会重点介绍了中控技术“1+2+N”智能工厂新架构以及中控通用控制系统UCS(Universal Control System)产品Nyx等新的产品技术和解决方案,并针对土耳其客户所关注的技术应用问题提供了详尽解答,受到了与会嘉宾的广泛关注和认可。

Recently, the SUPCON Automation Technology Seminar themed  "Elevate Industry Intelligence, Drive Customer Success" was held in Istanbul, Türkiye's largest city. This seminar focused on the latest technological trends in the field of intelligent manufacturing and industrial automation, attracting many well-known enterprises and corporations within the industry. Professionals from partners, EPC companies and engineering companies attended the seminar on site. Aside from presentations by experts of the various fields,  displays of SUPCON's latest product technologies and solutions were present during the seminar, including the new "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture, along with Universal Control System (UCS) product, Nyx, with detailed answers to the concerns of Turkish customers provided singly, receiving widespread attention and recognition from the participants.


At the beginning of the meeting, Chen Zhe, SUPCON's EU Regional President, provided a detailed overview of the development achievements of SUPCON in recent years and the technological innovation achievements achieved in the digital field. He emphasized that Türkiye, as the main position connecting the European and Asian markets, plays a crucial role in the field of digitalization. SUPCON hopes to assist customers in navigating complex market demands, enhancing production efficiency, reducing energy consumption, and achieving sustainable development through innovative technologies and customized solutions.

中控技术海外技术支持专家龙志刚作"PA+BA Smart Plant Solution from SUPCON"主题分享,详细阐述了智能工厂架构定义和核心价值内容。中控技术“1+2+N”智能工厂新架构,包含一个工厂操作系统,两个自动化【生产过程自动化(Process Automated, PA)和企业运营自动化(Business Automated, BA)】,N个工业APPs,解决了现场数据和业务决策链接的缺位,为优化生产管理、资产管理、能源管理、质量管理和安全管理等提供统一平台。他分享到,目前该架构已经广泛应用于石化、化工、炼化等行业,将为土耳其工业数字化、智能化转型升级提供新可能。

Long Zhigang, the overseas technical support expert from SUPCON, presented on the theme of "PA+BA Smart Plant Solution from SUPCON", elaborating in detail on the definition and core value of the Smart Plant Architecture. SUPCON's "1+2+N" Smart Plant Architecture includes 1 industrial operating system, 2 core automation layers [Process Automated (PA) and Business Automated (BA)], and multiple industrial applications, solving the lack of links between on-site data and business decision-making,  providing a unified platform for the optimization of production management, asset management, energy management, quality management, and safety management. He stated that, this architecture has been widely used in the petrochemical, chemical, refining, and other industries, providing new possibilities for the digitalization, intelligent transformation, and upgrading of the Turkish industry.

中控技术产品规划专家滑冰以"A Universal Way to Future Plant"为主题为与会嘉宾带来精彩分享。他表示,Nyx通过“云-网-端”的极简架构,构建了软件定义、全数字化、云原生的控制系统,彻底颠覆延续近50年的传统集散控制系统的技术架构,能够实现数据预测和自适应控制,提升装置运行的效益,引领控制领域迈入“人工智能”新时代。同时,Nyx采用基于APL的现场连接技术,可提供包括APL电源交换机、APL现场交换机、APL压力变送器等产品以及APL应用指导在内的完整APL解决方案,以先进、高效的技术应用全力保障用户企业数字化转型需求的实现。

Hua Bing, the product planning expert from SUPCON, delivered a fascinating presentation to the attendees on the theme of "A Universal Path to the Future Plant". He stated that, Nyx is a built software-defined, fully digital, and cloud-based control system through a minimalist architecture of "cloud-network-end", completely subverting the technical architecture of traditional distributed control systems that have lasted for nearly 50 years and enabling data prediction and self-adaptation control, improving the efficiency of device operations, and leading a new era of "artificial intelligence" in the field of control. At the same time, Nyx adopts the APL-based field connection technology alongside the ability to provide complete APL solutions including APL power switches, APL field switches, APL pressure transmitters and other products as well as APL application guidance, fully guaranteed by the most advanced and efficient technical applications, realizing digital transformation needs for customers.


The success of this seminar further enhanced SUPCON's market recognition and user trust in Türkiye, establishing a solid foundation for its subsequent in-depth development within the Turkish market. In the future, SUPCON will continue to increase its investment in Türkiye, strengthen its relationships with local partners, and consistently improve the technical quality and service standards of its products. SUPCON aims to achieve deep integration and win-win development with the local market, and continue to support Turkish industrial automation, digitalization, and intelligent development of a new future.

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