

更新:2025-03-12 07:00 IP: 浏览:1次


Here is an English introduction to the 2025 Shanghai Toy Exhibition:

2025 Shanghai Toy Exhibition

The 2025 Shanghai Toy Exhibition, a highly anticipated annual event in the toy industry, will showcase the latest and greatest toys and games from around the world. This exhibition is not only a platform for manufacturers, retailers, media, and consumers to gather and exchange ideas, but also a celebration of creativity and innovation in the toy industry.

Date & Venue:

The exhibition is scheduled to take place in October 2025 at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre, a prestigious venue known for hosting a variety of international events.


The event is organized by the China Toy and Juvenile Products Association, a leading authority in the toy and juvenile products industry in China.

Exhibition Highlights:

Thousands of Exhibitors: The exhibition will feature a wide range of exhibitors, from small startups to well-established companies, all showcasing their latest toys and games. Visitors can expect to see a diverse selection of products, including educational toys, electronic and remote control toys, smart toys, model figurines, hobby goods, outdoor and sporting items, and more.

Special Events and Activities: In addition to the exhibitors, the exhibition will also feature a number of special events and activities. These include workshops and seminars on topics such as toy safety, marketing strategies, and industry trends. There will also be networking opportunities for industry professionals, as well as fun events for kids, such as meet-and-greets with popular characters and live demonstrations of new toys.

Business Opportunities: The exhibition is a great opportunity for buyers and sellers to connect and place orders for the upcoming season. With thousands of products on display, visitors can test out the toys, talk to the manufacturers, and even negotiate deals on the spot.

Co-located Exhibitions:

The 2025 Shanghai Toy Exhibition will be held in conjunction with several other related exhibitions, including the CKE China Baby & Kids Products Exhibition, the CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition, and the CLE China Licensing Exhibition. This will provide visitors with a one-stop shopping experience for all their toy and juvenile products needs.

Industry Trends and Innovations:

The exhibition is not just a showcase of products; it is also a platform for industry professionals to come together and share ideas about the latest trends and innovations in the toy industry. Visitors can expect to see a variety of new and innovative toys that push the boundaries of traditional play and incorporate cutting-edge technology.

In conclusion, the 2025 Shanghai Toy Exhibition is a must-attend event for anyone in the toy industry. It provides a unique opportunity to see the latest and greatest toys and games from around the world, connect with industry professionals, and stay ahead of the competition. Whether you are a toy enthusiast, a business owner, or a media representative, this exhibition has something for everyone.

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