
About Us

更新:2009-10-30 09:00 浏览:5次

yihe jewelry co., ltd. is one of the top synthetic gemstone manufacturers and suppliers. our company is specialised in cubic zircon(cz), ruby, and sapphire, blue spinel, glass, natural gemstonean and numerous other gemstones. we have the expertise, state of the art equipment and the know how to produce gemstones according to your own design. we guarantee our unbeatable prices.

yihe company produces and supplies cz in aaa, aa and a grade, sizes available from 0.9mm to 100mm. all our products are manufactured, cut, polished and selected under very strict quality standards. our company has maintained the traditional polishing methods, with the latest cutting edge technology.

we offer you one of the most extensive catalogues in the industry, including dozens of shapes, colors and size, in round, oval, pear, heart, marquise, square, baguette, octagon, triangle,tap baguette, star, plum, flower, cross, leaf, ax, saddle, drop, facet bead to name but a few . if your requirement is not met in our standerd 40,000 plus part numbers, our design team will be delighted to assisting you in creating your own special design,no matter what shape, color or size you have in mind. we will bring your ideas to reality.

with a solid 10 years plus of experience in the industry, we have served thousands of happy customers from corners of the world. you can be assured that our products, designs and services are of the best qulity and your guarantee of total satisfaction.


our corporate policy:

√ first class service to our customer from order to delivery.

√ transparent and honest long term bussiness relations.

best qulity on the market.

√ we guarantee you unbeatable prices.

to feel the difference of a company well above the pack, please feel free to contact us by simply fill out the online enquiry and we will get back to you promptly.


we welcome distributors worldwide.


thank you for visiting our site and we trust you will have a pleasant browsing experience.

86 774 3881081
关于梧州市颐和珠宝经营部商铺首页 | 更多产品 | 黄页介绍
主要经营:cubic ; zirconia ; artificial ; stone
   我公司生产加工的产品既保持传统的宝石打磨风格,又适应时尚珠宝首饰的时代潮流。本公司能够制造及供应各种规格为:1.00MM-100MM,品质为:AAA、AA、A级质量的产品,所生产的宝石素以精确打磨、质量上乘、品种齐全、规格多样而深受业内人士好评,除了 ...
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