

更新:2011-09-10 10:45 浏览:3次
  1. before stop furnace production sector should get in touch with stove kiln monitor , do well the corresponding preparation of checking.
  2. should reduce coal feeking &wing speed before an hour in stopping fire. then stop feeding coal completely.
  3. there are four kinds of situations to stop the stove: stopped the stove, overhauled the gas stove, cut off the power by the plan and no power suddenly.

(1)            stopped the stove for standby use: close two times wind, open the main control gas pipe relief valve, the stove bottom is given the steam, then open steam pipe of svery gas piping turns for dewater, and cut off main control inlet to every gas pipings. when the steam comes out of the burner in the stove kiln, close one-time wind, turn on to the diffuse valve of dust remover, stop stove to keep warm and turn on inlet wind hole on the bottom of stove.

(2)    overhauled the gas stove:should adopt open –fire to stop the furnace. first raise saturation temperature, open the door of stove kiln, strengthen wind two tiimes. then open the main pipes’ relief valve all of coal gas and add water to cut off every gas piping when the coal gas is burnt down. finally close one-time &two-times wind. be sure the bubble water level is in the middle of the glass tube after the stove stopped.

(3)pay attention to cutting off main control valve of coal gas while stopping the stove. open the gate of the relief valve and vent the coal gas, strengthen the steam in the stove, keep the normal pressure so as to prevent the air from entering coal gas system and cause the backfire.

(4)    planning cut off the power:

a)    no power within 2 hours, can cut off the coal gas, supply the steam with the coal.

b)          should chesk & operate once before half an hour of stopping the power.

c)          open the relief valve of the pipe and close the gas valve.

d)          close the air flashboard and the blast steam valve. then open the bubble relief pipe, and also close the main steam control valve.

e)          open natural ventilation valve and air outlet pipe, check the water position of the inverted valve.

(5)    sudden power-cut

a)          increasing the amount of steam to keep normal pressure operation, which is above 20mm water column.

b)          operate in turns as following:

close the air flashboard→open the relief valve→cut off the blast power→close the air flashboard→close blast steam→open air bubble pipe→open the valve of the dust catcher.








ⅷ、reasons and solutions to common problems and malfunctions

common problems





ignition difficulties

overlarge quantity coal gas

turn down the first air valve

overlarge quantity combustion-supporting air

turn down the second air valve

insufficient coal gas

lgnition later on or accelerate the first air

coal bed deflection partly unfired

lgnition after all the fuel burn equably

slag cohere

change the coal kind

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