
Sex Enhancement Capsules with OEM - ViQ

更新时间:2010-09-17 09:51:00 信息编号:117434
Sex Enhancement Capsules with OEM - ViQ
美国加州男性健康保健中心日照办事处 商铺
中国 山东 日照市东港区 山东省日照市泰安路国际大厦


viq is a potent, natural, and safe alternative for men to improve sexual function. a scientifically balanced formula of herbs, herbal extracts, minerals and other nutrients. no prescription required. viq increases the blood flow to the genital organs to restore sexual strength, sensitivity and seminal fluid production.


by the way, viq can also be used for female. women is more excited in acticites after taking 1 pill viq.


viq ingredients: oyster extract, wild yam extract, siberia ginseng extract, white willow extract, jujube extract, cayenne extract, stinging nettles extract


1. viq may help increase pleaseure and may help enhance performance.

2. viq give powerful, repeat & long lasting erections

3. viq require no prescription, no addiction and no side effects.

4. viq make greater ejaculation and maximum sexual pleasure

5. viq make you truly satisfy your partner


factory price and mini customization: mshc is now providing mini private labeling; therefore you can order as few as 100 bottles for only 6.65 usd. viq is currently being sold 40-50 usd and you can make over 3,000 usd for such a small effort. you can use our original label (as shown in picture), or you replace product and company name with your own. we will print the label for you even if your order is just 100 bottles.


for more information, please check out product details at http://www.viqforman.com/?u=kathy.2768viqhotmailformancom


you can also email me directly at kathy.2768@hotmail.com

msn: kathy.2768@hotmail.com

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主要经营:精细化工原料 ; VIQ ; Sexual ; Enhancement ; Capsules

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