
Natural Male Sexual Enhancer Formula

更新:2010-09-17 08:33 浏览:5次

have erections more readily and easily. 

significantly harder and longer erections.

heightened sexual sensations. 

accumulatively increase in sexual energy,

longer sex sessions & prolonged climaxes 

overall male vitality  


we are a manufacturer and exporter of male sex enhancer. inspire-v for libido is synthesized herbal extract to 99% purity. it is fast acting (will work in 30 minutes to 60 minutes ) with little side effects. top u.s. lab tests show it contains none of the chemicals that are or similar to cialis, levitra or viagra.


inspire v for libido formula / powder/ raw material is water soluable which can be added into energy drink for male sexual libido enhancement. also, it can be put into capsules to make sex enhancement capsules.


inspire-v is a 100% natural sexual enhancement formula. it contains a proprietary blend of chinese powerful herbs that can produce long lasting, hard erection and boost male stamina and energy.


siberian ginseng - improve vitality and normalize overall body functions, siberian ginseng is considered a highly valuable tonic with broad uses and benefits. the extracts of the plant impart strength and enhance performance.


each ingredient in inspire v formula has been used throughout the ages.   

中国 山东 日照市东港区 山东省日照市泰安路国际大厦
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主要经营:精细化工原料 ; VIQ ; Sexual ; Enhancement ; Capsules

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