
Successful Sales Techniques

更新:2009-12-28 15:00 浏览:4次

sales technique can be improved on almost anyone.

a successful selling technique is based upon three factors:

winning attitudes, essential sales skills and the "people

skills" upon which the sales skills are built.


one primary factor which makes up successful sales technique

is having the right, winning attitudes, primary among them

being the willingness to learn something new. these winning

attitudes can be learned and adopted by nearly anyone who has

the will to succeed. and the other key factor which makes up

successful sales technique is an awareness and mastery of the

exact skills which go into "the five indispensable steps of a



the final component which goes into the development of

successful sales technique is the three basic "people skills"

which underlie and support the winning attitudes and actual

skills of selling. to some degree, we each already have a

level of these people skills, and given some good guidance,

each of these people skills can be sharpened notably.

among the winning attitudes required for development of a

successful sales technique, the single most important is:

persistence. this one is so important that it alone, in the

absence of practically all other selling skill, can, on its

own, often bring success. have you ever wondered why an

obnoxious though persistent salesman could possibly sustain

the amount of success he apparently enjoys, while a smoother,

apparently more skilled salesman enjoys less success? the

answer is: persistence. and there are ways to increase the

persistence of nearly anyone.


of the three essential "people skills" necessary as a basis

upon which to construct effective sales technique, none is

more essential than the ability to communicate well.

communication itself is actually made up of individual

component parts which can be named, taught and mastered.

often the most neglected of which is the all-important

component of acknowledgment.

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