recap | two years anniversary celebration on may 15, 2016
博进2岁生日,一班亲朋好友假座于魔镜私享。米其林大厨kelly,配备佳肴美酒,品味生活,冀望未来。happy birthday to progressenglish!
特约大厨 michelin chef | kelly
特约接待 special host | jessica
场地赞助 venue sponsor | yellow mojo
特约摄影 photographer | karen
yellow mojo 魔镜创想
米其林餐厅(michelin starred restaurants),是《米其林红色宝典》对各地美食、餐厅收录的餐厅。米其林星级(michelin)是有一批经过筛选的“美食密探”进行评判的,他们被称作“监察员”。监察员每去一家餐厅或酒店进行评判,都需要隐瞒身份悄悄潜入住宿和品评。他们需要参考的评分项目包括餐厅的食物(60%)、用餐环境(20%)、服务(10%)和酒的搭配(10%)。(baidu)
on may 15, 2016, progressenglish invited michelin starred chef kelly to prepare a banquet for progressenglish staff. the combination of fine wine and deluxe food served the guests right. it is part of the celebration of two years’ birthday of progressenglish.
博进英语 缔造传奇
together we progressenglish
zhongshan progressenglishtutoring centre founded in 2014 is a specialized english training institution for overseas study. the team are with rich overseas experiences and highly qualified in teaching. the courses include ielts, toefl, bec, practical english for adults, enterprise training, and career planning. we pride ourselves in offering tailor-made training and simulated real-life learning environments for students. we have assisted various students in achieving their goals with our professional services.
雅思 ielts 托福 toefl
实用英语 企业培训 职业规划
热线 hotline +86 159 0005 2014
公众号 proenglish
微信 progressenglish
7/f, building a, feng hua 28 plaza, 28 dong ming road, shiqi district, zhongshan, guangdong 528400 china
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