progressworld cup | ielts mock test on 5th & 6thjune 2016
第一场:6月5日下午2点半开始笔试 (口试时间待定)
第二场:6月6日早上9点半开始笔试 (口试时间待定)。
1. 博进学员免费,而且博进学员推荐的同学也免费;
2. 其他有兴趣的同学,每人50元。
1. 博进学员自动参加,工作人员会与您联络;
2. 其他学员,请添加博进公众号 proenglish 或者微信 progressenglish 联络。
1. 总分7分,获价值3,000元现金券;
2. 总分6.5分,获价值2,000元现金券;
3. 总分6分,获价值1,000元现金券;
4. 总分5.5分,获价值500元现金券。
gaokao is never easy. on the day of gaokao, june 5th and 6th 2016, progressenglish will bring you a real mock ielts exam experience. please register now to ensure your seats.
(活动解释权归博进英语 the event is subject to explanations of progressenglish.)
* 博进雅思托福课程 暑假火热招生中*
* 垂询热线 159 005 2014 *
together we progressenglish
zhongshan progressenglish tutorial centre founded in 2014 is a specialized english training institution for overseas study. the team are with rich overseas experiences and highly qualified in teaching. the courses include ielts, toefl, bec, practical english for adults, enterprise training, and career planning. we pride ourselves in offering tailor-made training and simulated real-life learning environments for students. we have assisted various students in achieving their goals with our professional services.
雅思 ielts 托福 toefl
实用英语 企业培训 职业规划
热线 hotline +86 159 0005 2014
公众号 proenglish
微信 progressenglish
7/f, building a, feng hua 28 plaza, 28 dong ming road, shiqi district, zhongshan, guangdong 528400 china
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