
Bags of Liquid automatic packaging machine

更新:2012-06-22 10:38 浏览:3次
Bags of Liquid automatic packaging machine
山东迅捷机械制造有限公司 商铺
No.3843,Jichang Road,Lingang Development Zone,济南China
Karen Gong


Bags of Liquid automatic packaging machine
Filling Machine Product Description;

Our company products include; Oil filling machine ,Liquid filling machine,Paste filling machine,ect.

Do you know which packaging machine is the best in China? Dongtai machinery is a professional packaging machinery manufacturer. Provide the user the best solution, through long-term customer service has set up a perfect sales service system.

Machine name;Bags of Liquid automatic packaging machine
Model YB-1
Main Purpose;
The package applies to soy sauce, vinegar, juice, milk and other liquids, using 0.08 mm polyethylene film, molding, bag, quantitative filling, ink printing, sealing and cutting off process is all automatic completed, and before in the packaging film use UV disinfection, in line with the requirements of food hygiene.
Technical Parameters;
Production efficiency; 2000 bags / hour
. Packaging quality of ;200-500 g / bag
. Filling accuracy; ± 1.5% / bag
. Films sizes; Thickness; 0.08 mm, width; 320 mm (240mm)
. Power; 220 V/380V 50Hz
. Complete machine power; 1.2 Kw
. The device weighs; 350 kg
. Dimension 1057 × 750 × 1850mm

Principle Features;
This automatic liquid packaging machine in process flow parts .all made of stainless steel.use surge tank and self-priming pump quantitive filling,direct heating sealing and cut off, bag size, packaging, weight,cut temperature regulator convenient and reliable, production date ribbon print, and at the letters, dorsal closure, electro-optical tracking.

Related products links; Liquid filling machines | filling machines | Fillers | Filling Equipment | Inline Filling Systems


Jinan Dongtai Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd Department; International Trade Department Post Code/ZIP; 250100 Contact Person; karen Gong(sales manager) Tel; 0086-0531-88738866-605 Fax; 0086-0531-88902662 Mobile Phone ; 86-15866784676 MSN; dongtaipack@hotmail.com Email; shandongxunjie@163.com Website: http://www.dongtaipack.com <-> filling machines http://www.ltete.com <-> fillers http://www.xunjiejx.com <-> Filling Equipment http://www.jinanxunjie.cn/sdp/337119/4/main-1483444/0/Home.html <->Inline Filling Systems http://www.jinanxunjie.cn/sdp/337119/4/pl-1483445/0/Product_Catalog.html <->Oil Filling Machine http://www.xunjiejx.com/Filling_Machines1.htm <->Liquid Filling Machine http://www.ltete.com/filling-machine-one-head-ointment-filling-machine.html <->OintmentFillingMachine http://www.dongtaipack.com/gallery1/products-list.htm <->Oil Weighing Filling Machine http://www.ltete.com/filling-machine-oil-filling-machine-xj8f.htm <-> Oil Filling Machine xj8f
http://www.jinanxunjie.cn/sdp/337119/4/pd-1483445/2338032-743800.html <-> Oil Filling Machine Address; No.3843,Jichang Road,Lingang Development Zone,Jinan China

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主要经营:filling machine,packing machine, packaging machine , oil filling machine,Liquid filling machine,Past

Founded in 1998, Jinan Xunjie Packing Machinery Co., Ltd. is one of members of China Packing Technology Association , China Pharmaceutical Equipment Association and is science & technical type Enterprises in ShanDone Province, integrating R&D, manufacture, distribution and service.

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