
Pillow Packing Machine

更新时间:2012-06-22 10:46:12 信息编号:40783
Pillow Packing Machine
山东迅捷机械制造有限公司 商铺
No.3843,Jichang Road,Lingang Development Zone,济南China
Karen Gong


Pillow Packing Machine

Filling Machine Product Description;

Our company products include; Oil filling machine ,Liquid filling machine,Paste filling machine,ect.

Do you know which packaging machine is the best in China? Dongtai machinery is a professional packaging machinery manufacturer. Provide the user the best solution, through long-term customer service has set up a perfect sales service system.

unction and structure characteristics
1. Dual transducers control and bag length can be let and cut in one step .
2. Interface are easy and quick to set and operate
3. Failures can be self-diagnosised and displays clearly.
4. High sensitivity electrical eye traces and sealing position is input numerically for accuracy .
5. PID control temperature independently which is more suitable for packing different materials.
6. Positioned stop function without sticking knife and wasting film.
7. Simple driving system , reliable working , convenient maintenance.
8. All control is realized through software , easy for function adjusing and technical upgrading .

Application scope
This machine is suitable for pack various solid regular objects, such as biscuit ,bread ,instant noodle ,ice cream ,mooncake ,candy ,medicine , hareware , loaded by carton / tray, etc.

Related products links; Liquid filling machines | filling machines | Fillers | Filling Equipment | Inline Filling Systems


Jinan Dongtai Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd Department; International Trade Department Post Code/ZIP; 250100 Contact Person; karen Gong(sales manager) Tel; 0086-0531-88738866-605 Fax; 0086-0531-88902662 Mobile Phone ; 86-15866784676 MSN; dongtaipack@hotmail.com Email; shandongxunjie@163.com Website: http://www.dongtaipack.com <-> filling machines http://www.ltete.com <-> fillers http://www.xunjiejx.com <-> Filling Equipment http://www.jinanxunjie.cn/sdp/337119/4/main-1483444/0/Home.html <->Inline Filling Systems http://www.jinanxunjie.cn/sdp/337119/4/pl-1483445/0/Product_Catalog.html <->Oil Filling Machine http://www.xunjiejx.com/Filling_Machines1.htm <->Liquid Filling Machine http://www.ltete.com/filling-machine-one-head-ointment-filling-machine.html <->OintmentFillingMachine http://www.dongtaipack.com/gallery1/products-list.htm <->Oil Weighing Filling Machine http://www.ltete.com/filling-machine-oil-filling-machine-xj8f.htm <-> Oil Filling Machine xj8f
http://www.jinanxunjie.cn/sdp/337119/4/pd-1483445/2338032-743800.html <-> Oil Filling Machine Address; No.3843,Jichang Road,Lingang Development Zone,Jinan China

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主要经营:filling machine,packing machine, packaging machine , oil filling machine,Liquid filling machine,Past

Founded in 1998, Jinan Xunjie Packing Machinery Co., Ltd. is one of members of China Packing Technology Association , China Pharmaceutical Equipment Association and is science & technical type Enterprises in ShanDone Province, integrating R&D, manufacture, distribution and service.

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