With the increasing global awareness of food safety and the rapid development of the cold chain logistics industry, cold chain technology and equipment have become a key link in improving the quality of food preservation. In this context, the 2025 Zhengzhou (China) Food Cold Chain Technology and Equipment Exhibition (the 18th Henan Zhengzhou Food Cold Chain Technology and Equipment Exhibition 2025) will be grandly held in Zhengzhou. Our main business is exhibition display services, exhibition investment services, and exhibition planning services, striving to build a platform for exhibition and communication for various enterprises in the industry.
Background and significance of the exhibition
The cold chain logistics system not only supports the efficient operation of food production, processing, and circulation, but also concerns the food safety of consumers. According to data from the International Cold Chain Association, the demand for cold chain technology in the global market will continue to rise in the coming years, and is expected to reach the trillion level by 2025. As an important province for food production and consumption in China, Henan's cold chain market is also in a rapid development stage. This exhibition is in line with industry trends, providing a platform for enterprises to communicate and cooperate, and seize market opportunities.
Exhibition Highlights
Frontier exhibit display: The exhibition will gather cold chain technology solutions and equipment from domestic and foreign sources, covering refrigerated trucks, refrigeration units, cold storage equipment, etc., showcasing new technological achievements in the industry.
Expert Forum: Multiple participants will participate in the forum to share cutting-edge technologies and development trends in cold chain logistics, and delve into industry pain points and future solutions.
Enterprise docking: The exhibition will set up a dedicated enterprise docking area to facilitate direct communication between participating enterprises and caigou merchants, and improve cooperation efficiency.
Industry Status and Challenges
Despite the rapid development of the cold chain industry, it still faces many challenges. For example, high equipment costs, high technological barriers, and complex operational management have all limited the enthusiasm of some enterprises. In addition, the inadequate cold chain infrastructure and talent shortage are also important factors restricting the development of the industry. There will be discussions on these issues at the exhibition to help companies in the industry find solutions.
The unique environment of Zhengzhou
Zhengzhou, as the capital of Henan Province, is not only conveniently located, but also one of the important logistics hubs in the country. The local government is continuously increasing its investment in cold chain logistics infrastructure, and the cold chain industry in Zhengzhou is facing development opportunities. The exhibition is held in Zhengzhou with the aim of promoting communication and cooperation among enterprises, and advancing the further development of the entire industry.
Opportunities for exhibiting companies
This exhibition is undoubtedly a rare business opportunity for participating companies to directly engage with target customers, showcase new products, and seek strategic partners. In such an industry trend, appearing at exhibitions and establishing brand influence will undoubtedly be an effective way for enterprises to break through the market.
The value of the audience
For visitors, visiting exhibitions not only allows them to learn about industry trends, but also enables them to have face-to-face communication with suppliers, choose suitable partners, understand market conditions, and receive advice. These are values that cannot be achieved through traditional channels. Therefore, the audience of the exhibition will be decision-makers, caigou managers, and relevant personnel from various enterprises in the industry.
The 2025 Zhengzhou (China) Food Cold Chain Technology and Equipment Exhibition will play an important role in the industry, serving not only as an opportunity for companies to showcase their image, but also as an important platform for expanding markets and establishing cooperation. For relevant enterprises and practitioners who want to seize the development opportunities of the cold chain industry, participating in this exhibition is an important choice that cannot be missed. By participating in the exhibition, all participants will be able to seize business opportunities and create opportunities in the rapidly developing cold chain market.
郑州作为河南省的省会,不仅交通便利,还是国家重要的物流枢纽之一。当地zhengfu不断加大对冷链物流基础设施的投资力度,郑州的冷链行业正迎来发展机遇。此次展会选择在郑州举行,旨在促进企业之间的交流与合作 ,推动整个行业的进一步发展。
中国冷冻冷藏食品展历经17年,已成为冷冻餐饮食材行业风向标。“新产品 新布局 新趋势”2025第18届中国冷冻冷藏食品博览会将于8月8日至10日在郑州国际会展中心举办,全新启航。
作为中原粮仓、国人厨房,河南正在将食品制造、冷链服务“聚链成拳”,河南食品迅猛发展“卖全国”。《河南省培育壮大冷链食品产业链行动方案( 2023-2025)》中更是明确提出,将河南省建设成为全国重要的冷链食品原料生产基地、冷链食品设备设施制造大省、冷链食品加工大省,形成冷链食品精深加工、冷链仓储、冷链物流等一体化与全链条发展格局。
三全、思念、千味央厨、双汇、花花牛等一批企业的发展壮大, 让郑州成为全国大的速冻食品生产、研发基地和物流中心。郑州市冷链食品相关产业主要包括速冻米面制品、冷鲜肉制品和乳制品三个行业,规模以上企业超30 家,其中速冻米面制品规上企业超20家,实现主营业务收入超300亿元,速冻食品行业在全国市场占有率超过60%。
展会概况 Exhibition Overview
汇聚行业精英 共谋发展蓝图

展示前沿技术 引领产业升级

促进深度交流 拓宽合作渠道
