
Introduction of Our Company

更新时间:2010-11-12 14:00:00 信息编号:8726
Introduction of Our Company
天津开发区万博酒业有限公司 商铺
86 022 27829549


tianjin teda bonvin winery co., ltd. registered in tianjin economic and technological zone,  we are a comprehensive company including the marketing of bulk wine and oenology products, the consulting service about brewing technique.


bussiness scope:


★     oenology products:

the oenology products mainly cover french brands ioc and laffort, we have become ioc’s main agency in asia, which is known for its superior quality.

★     oaken products:

our company engages in french and american oak casks and oak chips etc.

★     bulk wine:

we keep long-term business contacts with many foreign chateaus, running a variety of dry redwine internationally. place of origin mainly covered europe( spain, france, italy etc), north america (usa, canada etc), south america( chile, argentina) and australia,new zealand etc, containing cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, merlot, pinot noir, gamay, grenache, syrah ect. we are at your service at anytime, providing you excellent grape varieties with reasonable price.

★     imported bottled wine:

our company has long-term relationships with several oversea chateaus, mainly in france, chile and south africa.

★     technological service:

we have proficient winemaking expert, if you are preparing for the foundation of your winery then our company just fits for you. we will provide you with plans and give you advices about vinification techniques, production techniques and modernized scientific management.


our partner:

ioc company has a solid strength in winemaking production, its products are widely used all over the world since its foundation in1890; the company established a professional lab to meet the needs of grape growing and brewing business in bar-sur-seine, help to solve the problems occurring in the process of usage on the spot and get to the root of the problem of after-sale service. this kind of research institution covered every wine region throughout france, its subsidiaries flourished in the main wine regions, such as bourgogne, cote du rhone, languedoc-roussillon etc. we carefully study the local problems and invent different oenology products in the light of different local conditions, products have passed iso9001 attestation through strict quality inspection and supervision.

we also manage laffort oenology products, laffort is the first oenology producer who opened the chinese market as well as one of the largest oenology producers in france. the good quality attributes to its solid strength, we endeavor in providing the best oenology products which just fit for our domestic winery.

our company is the sole agent of french oak-products manufacture ( allary cooperage ) in asia. allary cooperage founded in 1953, which embodies the best of french know-how: art and tradition. we use mainly french board oak as well as missouri.

-for spirits, wood from the limousin area: loose-grain oak

-for wines, wood from allier, the vosges, nievre, missouri: tight-grain oak.

our workshop turns out barrels with a capacity of 28 to 500 litres.

we are specialized in the manufacture of large-sized containers: like flattened cones vats of 1000 to 20000 litres, hand-crafted according to our tradition.

this attention to quality ensures and reinforces the continuity of the company. suppliers to the great bordeaux wine houses, and exporting to the five continents, the allary cooperage draws from its age-old experience to ensure the quality of the future.

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